
Chapter 1 – What, Where, How and When?Read More➔

Worksheet: Understanding Historical Perspectives through Archaeological Activities

Name: __________________________________ Class: 6 Roll No: ______ Date: ______

I. Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the significance of archaeology in studying history?

    a) Understanding geography
    b) Discovering new species
    c) Unraveling the mysteries of the past
    d) Studying contemporary events

  2. What do archaeologists study to learn about ancient civilizations?

    a) Fossils
    b) Artifacts
    c) Modern technology
    d) Weather patterns

  3. Why is it important to make inferences about artifacts?

    a) To confuse historians
    b) To understand past cultures and lifestyles
    c) To sell artifacts in the market
    d) To hide historical truths

II. True or False (1 mark each)

  1. Archaeology is not essential for understanding history.

    a) True
    b) False

  2. Analyzing artifacts is a crucial part of archaeological studies.

    a) True
    b) False

  3. Archaeologists use artifacts to learn about ancient civilizations.

    a) True
    b) False

III. Match the Following (1 mark each)

  1. Match the following archaeological sites with their historical period:

    a) Mohenjo-Daro 1) Ancient Greece b) Machu Picchu 2) Indus Valley Civilization c) Acropolis 3) Inca Civilization

IV. Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain why studying artifacts is important for understanding the past.

  2. How do archaeologists use artifacts to make inferences about ancient civilizations?

V. Activity: Excavation Simulation (3 marks)

  1. In your own words, describe the process of excavation during the simulation activity. What did you learn from the artifacts you excavated?

VI. Project Presentation (5 marks)

  1. As part of the extension activity, you need to present a famous archaeological discovery. Choose one and briefly describe its historical significance.

VII. Conclusion (2 marks)

  1. Reflect on what you’ve learned in this chapter. Why is it important to study “What, Where, How, and When?” in social science?

Total Marks: ____________

Teacher’s Remarks:

Note: This is a general sample worksheet and can be modified according to specific teaching methods and content covered in your class.

Chapter 2 – From Hunting – Gathering to Growing FoodRead More➔

Worksheet: From Hunting-Gathering to Growing Food

Name: _____________________________________ Class/Section: ___________

Date: ______________


  • Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the chapter.
  • Use complete sentences and provide detailed responses where required.

I. Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the main focus of Chapter 2? a. The Industrial Revolution b. Early human societies c. Modern agricultural practices d. Space exploration

  2. Which of the following is a characteristic of early hunter-gatherer communities? a. Permanent settlements b. Reliance on agriculture c. Nomadic lifestyle d. Use of advanced tools

  3. What is a significant advantage of agriculture over hunting-gathering? a. Nomadic lifestyle b. Unpredictable food supply c. Surplus food production d. Dependency on natural resources

II. True or False (1 mark each)

  1. Early agricultural societies were characterized by a nomadic lifestyle. (True/False)

  2. The shift from hunting-gathering to agriculture had no impact on human settlements. (True/False)

III. Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain two reasons why early humans transitioned from hunting-gathering to agriculture.

  2. Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of the shift from hunting-gathering to agriculture.

IV. Long Answer Question (4 marks)

  1. Imagine you are an early human living in a hunter-gatherer community. Discuss the factors that might influence your decision to transition to agriculture. Consider both the advantages and challenges.

V. Application-Based Question (3 marks)

  1. Research and list three crops that were commonly grown in early agricultural societies. Explain how the cultivation of these crops contributed to the development of settled communities.

VI. Critical Thinking (5 marks)

  1. Reflect on the statement: “The transition from hunting-gathering to agriculture was a turning point in human history.” Provide arguments to support or contradict this statement.

Note: Adjust the marks, difficulty, or number of questions based on the specific requirements and the level of the students. The questions are designed to assess the students’ understanding of the key concepts presented in the chapter

Chapter 3 – In the Earliest CitiesRead More➔

Worksheet: Unraveling Ancient Cities

Name: _______________________________ Class: 6 Date: ______________


  • Answer all questions.
  • Write your answers in the space provided.
  • Be clear and concise in your responses.

I. Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. What is the main focus of this chapter?

    • a) Ancient Agriculture
    • b) Earliest Cities
    • c) Modern Technology
    • d) Famous Wars

    Answer: ______________________

  2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of ancient cities?

    • a) Well-planned streets
    • b) Lack of trade
    • c) Advanced drainage systems
    • d) Social hierarchies

    Answer: ______________________

  3. What is the purpose of the “Explore” phase in the 5E lesson plan?

    • a) Introduce the topic
    • b) Conduct experiments
    • c) Research and gather information
    • d) Conclude the lesson

    Answer: ______________________

II. True/False:

  1. The lifestyle of people in ancient cities is similar to the lifestyle in modern cities.

    • True / False

    Answer: ______________________

  2. The “Artifact Analysis” activity involves examining and inferring the purpose of ancient artifacts.

    • True / False

    Answer: ______________________

III. Short Answer Questions:

  1. Name one ancient city and describe a unique feature of its architecture.

    Answer: ______________________

  2. Explain the significance of the “time capsule” activity in understanding ancient civilizations.

    Answer: ______________________

IV. Group Discussion:

  1. In your group, discuss one factor that contributed to the growth of ancient cities. Present your findings briefly.

    Answer: ______________________

Teacher’s Note: This worksheet is designed to assess students’ understanding of the key concepts covered in the lesson. Encourage students to refer to their notes, textbooks, and the activities conducted during the class while answering the questions. Review and discuss the answers in the next class to reinforce learning.

Chapter 4 – What Books and Burials Tell UsRead More➔


Chapter 4 – What Books and Burials Tell Us

A. Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the main focus of Chapter 4?

    • a) Agriculture
    • b) Books and Burials
    • c) Trade and Commerce
    • d) Astronomy
  2. Which of the following is considered a primary source of historical information?

    • a) History textbooks
    • b) Ancient manuscripts
    • c) Newspapers
    • d) Biographies
  3. What is the purpose of examining burials in archaeology?

    • a) To find gold and jewels
    • b) To understand ancient beliefs and practices
    • c) To look for evidence of alien life
    • d) To find hidden treasures

B. True/False (1 mark each)

  1. Books are not important for understanding history.

    • True / False
  2. Primary sources are artifacts or documents created at the time being studied.

    • True / False
  3. Burials provide information only about the lifestyle of ancient people.

    • True / False

C. Fill in the Blanks (1 mark each)

  1. Books and manuscripts are forms of __________ sources.

    • [Answer]
  2. Burials include items such as __________ and __________ that offer insights into the past.

    • [Answer]
    • [Answer]

D. Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain the importance of primary sources in the study of history.

    • [Answer]
  2. How do burials contribute to our understanding of ancient civilizations?

  • [Answer]

E. Long Answer Question (5 marks)

  1. Imagine you are an archaeologist. Describe a hypothetical discovery of an ancient burial site. What artifacts would you expect to find, and how would they help in understanding the people who lived in that era?
  • [Answer]

Note: Adjust the difficulty level of questions based on the proficiency of the students. Provide sufficient space for students to write their answers.

Chapter 5 – Kingdoms, Kings and an Early RepublicRead More➔

Class: 6
Subject: Social Science
Chapter: Kingdoms, Kings, and an Early Republic


Instructions: Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the chapter.

1. Define the term “kingdom” in the context of ancient India.

2. Name any two famous ancient Indian kings and briefly describe one significant contribution of each.

3. Explain the concept of an early republic and why it emerged in ancient India.

4. Identify and describe one factor that led to the decline of the Maurya dynasty.

5. How did political changes during this period impact society in ancient India? Provide at least two examples.

6. Match the following:

A. Chandragupta Maurya 1. Role-play and presentation B. Early Republic 2. Visual aids and storytelling C. Assessing society’s impact 3. Responsible for the decline

7. Discuss one feature of the administration of ancient Indian kingdoms.

8. Create a timeline showing the chronological order of the following events:
a. Rise of early kingdoms
b. Emergence of the early republic
c. Decline of the Maurya dynasty

9. In what ways did the roles of kings in ancient India differ from those of leaders in the early republic?

10. Write a short paragraph describing the societal changes that occurred during the transition from kingdoms to the early republic in ancient India.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Correctness of Answers
  • Clarity and Depth of Explanation
  • Use of Relevant Examples
  • Presentation and Neatness

Teacher’s Remarks:


  • This worksheet is designed as a tool for self-assessment and understanding. Ensure that your responses are accurate and well-explained.
  • Use your class notes, textbook, and any other relevant sources to answer the questions.

Feel free to customize the questions or format based on your specific classroom needs.

Chapter 6 – New Questions and IdeasRead More➔

Worksheet: New Questions and Ideas

I. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): (1 Mark Each)

  1. What is the importance of questioning in the learning process?

    a) It makes the class more interesting.

    b) It helps in developing critical thinking skills.

    c) It is not essential.

    d) It is only for the teacher’s benefit.

  2. What type of questions is most likely to lead to innovative ideas?

    a) Closed-ended questions

    b) Probing questions

    c) Simple questions

    d) All of the above

II. True or False: (1 Mark Each)

  1. Asking questions is not necessary for learning.

    a) True

    b) False

  2. Open-ended questions have a single correct answer.

    a) True

    b) False

III. Fill in the blanks: (1 Mark Each)

  1. ____________ questions encourage discussion and exploration of ideas.

  2. The Renaissance was a period marked by ____________ and ____________.

IV. Short Answer Questions: (2 Marks Each)

  1. Explain the difference between open-ended and closed-ended questions.

  2. Provide an example of a historical event or discovery where questioning played a crucial role.

V. Long Answer Question: (3 Marks)

  1. Imagine you are a historian investigating a new archaeological discovery. Explain the types of questions you would ask to uncover its historical significance.

VI. Group Activity: (5 Marks)

  1. In groups, select a contemporary social issue and create a list of open-ended questions related to it. Present your questions to the class and discuss how they might lead to innovative solutions.


  • Answer all questions.
  • Write neatly and legibly.
  • Make sure to read each question carefully before answering.
  • Mention any sources or references used for your answers.

This worksheet is designed to assess students’ understanding of the chapter, from basic concepts to critical thinking and application of knowledge. Feel free to adjust the marks allocation based on the complexity and depth of the answers you expect.

Chapter 7 – From a Kingdom to an EmpireRead More➔

Worksheet: From a Kingdom to an Empire

Name: ______________________ Class: 6 Date: _______________


  • Answer all questions.
  • Write the correct option or fill in the blanks.
  • Provide brief explanations wherever required.
  • Total Marks: ________ (To be filled by the teacher)

1. Define an Empire. (2 marks)

2. Differentiate between a kingdom and an empire. (3 marks)

  • Kingdom:

  • Empire:

3. Name the two empires discussed in the chapter and provide one significant achievement of each. (4 marks)

  • Maurya Empire:

    • Significant Achievement: ______________________________

  • Gupta Empire:

    • Significant Achievement: ______________________________

4. Match the following: (4 marks)

  • A. Chandragupta Maurya 1. Iron Pillar of Delhi
  • B. Ashoka 2. Founder of the Maurya Empire
  • C. Samudragupta 3. Great Mauryan King
  • D. Gupta Age 4. Gupta King known as the Napoleon of India

5. Describe two factors that led to the rise of empires in ancient India. (4 marks)

  • Factor 1: ___________________________________________________

  • Explanation: _______________________________________________

  • Factor 2: ___________________________________________________

  • Explanation: _______________________________________________

6. Create a timeline or a storyboard depicting the key events in either the Maurya or Gupta Empire. (5 marks)

7. Short Answer Questions: (3 marks)

  • a. What were the major contributions of the Gupta Empire to Indian culture?

  • b. How did military strength contribute to the success of ancient Indian empires?

8. Homework Assignment: (3 marks)

  • Research and write a short paragraph (100-150 words) on the impact of either the Maurya or Gupta Empire on ancient Indian society.

Teacher’s Remarks:

Note: The teacher can adjust the marks, add more questions, or modify the worksheet based on the class requirements and depth of the covered material.

Chapter 8 – Urban LivelihoodsRead More➔

Worksheet: Urban Livelihoods

Class: 6 | Subject: Social Science | Chapter: 8

Name:____________________ Roll No:____________________ Date:____________________

I. Multiple Choice Questions: (1 mark each)

  1. What is the main focus of Chapter 8? a. Rural Livelihoods b. Urban Livelihoods c. Agricultural Practices d. Industrial Revolution

  2. Why do people often move to urban areas for livelihood? a. More agricultural opportunities b. Access to better education c. More job opportunities d. Scenic landscapes

  3. Which of the following is an example of an informal urban job? a. Doctor b. Software Developer c. Street Vendor d. Banker

  4. What impact does urbanization have on rural areas? a. Decreases job opportunities b. No impact c. Increases job opportunities d. Increases agricultural practices

  5. Which sector does a construction worker belong to? a. Services b. Manufacturing c. Agriculture d. Mining

II. Match the Following: (1 mark each)

Match the types of urban jobs with their characteristics.

  1. Software Developer a. Skilled and Formal
  2. Street Vendor b. Unskilled and Informal
  3. Doctor c. Skilled and Informal
  4. Factory Worker d. Unskilled and Formal
  5. Banker e. Skilled and Formal

III. Short Answer Questions: (2 marks each)

  1. Define ‘urban livelihoods.’

  2. List three advantages of urban livelihoods.

  3. Explain why informal jobs are prevalent in urban areas.

  4. What are the challenges faced by people working in urban areas?

IV. Long Answer Question: (5 marks)

Explain the impact of urbanization on society and the environment. Provide examples to support your answer.

V. Case Study: (5 marks)

Read the following case and answer the questions:

Case: Ramesh, a farmer from a rural area, decided to move to the city in search of better job opportunities. He found a job as a construction worker in a rapidly growing urban area.

  1. Why do you think Ramesh chose to move to the city for work?
  2. What challenges might Ramesh face in his new job as a construction worker?
  3. How do you think Ramesh’s decision to move to the city would impact his family and the rural community he left behind?


  • Encourage students to answer in complete sentences.
  • Provide adequate space for each answer.
  • Remind students to read the questions carefully.
  • Collect the worksheets for assessment after completion.

Chapter 8 – Villages, Towns and TradeRead More➔

Worksheet: Villages, Towns, and Trade


  1. Answer all the questions.
  2. Write your answers in the space provided.
  3. Be clear and concise in your responses.

Part A: Multiple Choice Questions

  1. What is the main focus of this chapter?

    a. Cities
    b. Villages
    c. Towns and Trade
    d. Agriculture


  2. Which of the following is a characteristic of villages?

    a. High population density
    b. Limited agricultural activities
    c. Small and close-knit community
    d. High level of industrialization


  3. Towns are known for being centers of:

    a. Agriculture
    b. Commerce, culture, and administration
    c. Fishing
    d. Nomadic lifestyle


  4. What is the significance of trade routes?

    a. They promote isolationism
    b. They connect societies, fostering cultural exchange and economic growth
    c. They limit economic development
    d. They have no impact on societies


  5. In a Venn diagram comparing villages and towns, which section would include characteristics that are common to both?

    a. Left circle
    b. Right circle
    c. Overlapping section
    d. None of the above


Part B: Short Answer Questions

  1. Explain one function of towns in ancient times.


  2. Name two important trade routes from ancient times and explain their significance.


  3. Differentiate between villages and towns based on population density.


Part C: Application-based Questions

  1. Imagine you are a trader in an ancient town. Describe your daily activities and how they contribute to the growth of the town.


  2. Analyze the impact of a well-developed town on the surrounding villages. Provide at least two examples.


Note: This worksheet is a sample and may need to be adjusted based on the specific content covered in the classroom and the level of detail required by the teacher.

Chapter 9 – New Empires and KingdomsRead More➔

Class 6 Social Science Worksheet

Subject: Social Science

Chapter: New Empires and Kingdoms (Chapter 9)

Instructions: Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the chapter.

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the focus of Chapter 9 – New Empires and Kingdoms?

    • a) Modern Indian Politics
    • b) Ancient and Medieval Indian Empires
    • c) World Wars
    • d) Agricultural Practices in Ancient India
  2. Which of the following empires is known for its contributions to art, science, and literature during ancient India?

    • a) Chola Empire
    • b) Maurya Empire
    • c) Gupta Empire
    • d) Vijayanagara Empire
  3. The decline of the Maurya Empire was mainly due to:

    • a) Invasions
    • b) Economic Decline
    • c) Internal Conflicts
    • d) All of the above

Section B: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain one significant contribution of the Chola Empire to Indian culture and society.

  2. Describe the impact of the Gupta Empire on the development of science and mathematics in ancient India.

Section C: Long Answer Question (5 marks)

  1. Choose one empire from the chapter and write a short essay (about 200 words) detailing its rise, achievements, and contributions to the historical and cultural landscape of India.

Section D: Critical Thinking (3 marks)

  1. In your opinion, why do you think studying the history of ancient empires is important for understanding the present and shaping the future? Provide at least two reasons.

Section E: Map Work (4 marks)

  1. Mark the locations of any two empires mentioned in Chapter 9 on the map provided.

India Map

Note: Be sure to review your answers before submitting. Good luck!

Feel free to customize the questions, add or remove sections, or adjust the difficulty level based on your students’ needs and the specifics of your curriculum.

Chapter 10 – Buildings, Paintings and BooksRead More➔

Class: 6

Subject: Social Science

Chapter: 10 – Buildings, Paintings, and Books


Name:______________________ Roll No:_______________ Date:______________

Instructions: Answer the following questions to test your understanding of the chapter.

I. Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the main focus of Chapter 10? a) Rivers and Mountains b) Buildings, Paintings, and Books c) Animals and Plants d) Weather and Climate

  2. Which of the following is a form of visual art discussed in the chapter? a) Mathematics b) Science c) Painting d) Physical Education

  3. Why are classic books considered important? a) They are new and trendy. b) They are easy to read. c) They provide insight into the culture and history of a society. d) They are short and concise.

  4. Iconic buildings, famous paintings, and classic books all contribute to: a) Earning money b) Shaping societies and cultures c) Cooking delicious food d) Playing sports

II. True/False (1 mark each)

  1. Buildings, paintings, and books have no impact on society and culture. (True/False)

  2. Visual aids, such as pictures, can be used to understand and appreciate different forms of art. (True/False)

III. Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Name one famous building and explain why it is considered iconic.

  2. How can paintings reflect the culture and traditions of a society?

  3. Provide one example of a classic book and explain its significance.

IV. Group Discussion (5 marks)

  1. In groups, discuss and list three types of buildings found in your city or country. Also, mention their historical importance, if any.

V. Creative Project (10 marks)

  1. Choose either a building, a painting, or a book and create a small project. Include information about its history, cultural significance, and any interesting facts you find. You can use pictures, drawings, or written descriptions.

VI. Homework (3 marks)

  1. Research and find information about a building, a painting, or a book of your choice. Write a short paragraph explaining its significance.

Note: Total Marks – 30

Submission Date:__________________

This worksheet includes a variety of question types to assess different levels of understanding. Students can showcase their knowledge through multiple-choice questions, true/false statements, short-answer questions, a group discussion, a creative project, and a homework assignment.

Social & Political Life

Chapter 1 – DiversityRead More➔

Class: 6

Subject: Social Science

Chapter: Diversity


Name: ___________________________________ Roll Number: _______

I. Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What does the term “diversity” mean?

    a) Uniformity
    b) Variety
    c) Equality
    d) Conformity

  2. Why is diversity important in society?

    a) It creates division
    b) It fosters understanding and harmony
    c) It promotes exclusivity
    d) It encourages discrimination

  3. What is the significance of cultural traditions?

    a) They limit creativity
    b) They provide a sense of identity
    c) They promote uniformity
    d) They discourage communication

II. Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Define the term “culture” and provide an example.

  2. Choose a country from the world map and explain one unique aspect of its culture.

  3. How can understanding diversity contribute to a more harmonious world?

III. Fill in the Blanks (1 mark each)

  1. Diversity encourages ___________ and respect for differences.

  2. ___________ is the term used to describe the customs, arts, and social interactions of a particular nation, people, or other social group.

IV. True or False (1 mark each)

  1. _____ Understanding diversity promotes tolerance and empathy.

  2. _____ Cultural traditions are not important for a society’s development.

V. Activities (3 marks each)

  1. Activity 1: In the space provided, draw and label symbols representing three different cultures.

    Activity 1

  2. Activity 2: Interview a family member or friend from a different cultural background. Write a brief report on their cultural experiences and traditions.

VI. Reflection (4 marks)

  1. Reflect on what you have learned about diversity in this chapter. How can you apply this knowledge in your daily life to promote understanding and harmony? Write your thoughts in the space provided.

Total Marks: _______

Note: Modify the worksheet based on your specific teaching style, classroom dynamics, and the level of your students.

Chapter 2 – Diversity and DiscriminationRead More➔

Worksheet: Diversity and Discrimination

Name: ______________________

Class: 6

Date: _______________

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is diversity?

    a) Uniformity

    b) Variety

    c) Equality

    d) Simplicity

  2. Discrimination based on someone’s race is called:

    a) Racial discrimination

    b) Gender discrimination

    c) Religious discrimination

    d) Economic discrimination

  3. Why is diversity important in society?

    a) It creates uniformity

    b) It enriches culture and understanding

    c) It promotes discrimination

    d) It limits communication

  4. Which of the following is an example of discrimination?

    a) Celebrating cultural festivals

    b) Treating everyone with respect

    c) Allowing equal opportunities for all

    d) Refusing a job to someone based on their gender

Section B: True or False (1 mark each)

  1. True/False: Diversity refers to the existence of differences.

  2. True/False: Discrimination is always based on valid reasons.

  3. True/False: Embracing diversity can lead to a more harmonious society.

  4. True/False: Discrimination has no impact on individuals or society.

Section C: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Define diversity in your own words.

  2. Give an example of discrimination in daily life.

Section D: Application-based Questions (3 marks each)

  1. Imagine you are in a situation where someone is being discriminated against. How would you respond? Explain your actions.

  2. Research and write about a historical event where discrimination played a significant role. What were the consequences of that discrimination?

Section E: Long Answer Question (5 marks)

  1. Explain the importance of teaching tolerance and respect for diversity in schools. How can schools contribute to fostering an inclusive environment?

Note: Answer all questions. Write your answers in the space provided. Be concise and clear in your responses.

Feel free to modify the questions based on the specific content covered in your class and the textbook.

Chapter 3 – GovernmentRead More➔

Worksheet: Understanding Government Structures and Functions

Name: ________________________ Class: 6 Date: ____________

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

1. What is the main purpose of government in a society? a. Entertainment b. Education c. Welfare and Development d. Sports

2. Which type of government allows citizens to participate in decision-making through voting? a. Monarchy b. Democracy c. Dictatorship d. Oligarchy

3. What is a monarchy? a. Rule by a single leader b. Rule by a group of leaders c. Rule by the people d. Rule by a king or queen


4. In a democracy, citizens have no role in decision-making. (True/False)

5. The government is responsible for providing services such as healthcare and education. (True/False)

Fill in the Blanks:

6. The leader of a monarchy is called a __________.

7. __________ is a form of government where power is in the hands of a small, privileged group.

Short Answer Questions:

8. List three functions of the government in a society.

9. Explain the difference between a democracy and a dictatorship.

10. Why is it important for citizens to actively participate in the democratic process?

Long Answer Question:

11. Imagine you are a citizen in a democratic country. Describe two ways you can actively participate in the decision-making process of your government.


  1. Answer all the questions.
  2. For multiple-choice questions, write the letter corresponding to your answer.
  3. For fill in the blanks, provide a single word or a short phrase.
  4. For short answer questions, write complete sentences.
  5. For the long answer question, write a paragraph.

Feel free to modify this worksheet based on the specific focus and emphasis you want to give to certain topics within the chapter. Additionally, you may add or remove questions as needed.

Chapter 4 – Local Government and AdministrationRead More➔

Worksheet: Local Government and Administration

Name: ________________________

Roll No.: _______ Class: 6 Date: ____________

Instructions: Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the chapter.

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the main purpose of local government? a) National defense b) Education c) Community administration d) Healthcare

  2. Which level of local government is responsible for the administration of a town or city? a) Gram Panchayat b) Municipal Corporation c) Zila Parishad d) Village Council

  3. The head of a Municipal Corporation is called: a) Sarpanch b) Mayor c) Pradhan d) District Collector

Section B: True/False (1 mark each)

  1. Local government plays a significant role only in rural areas. (True/False)

  2. Gram Panchayats are responsible for the administration of urban areas. (True/False)

  3. The main role of a Zila Parishad is to oversee the functioning of schools in a district. (True/False)

Section C: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain the term “local government” in your own words.

  2. List any two functions of a Gram Panchayat.

  3. Differentiate between a Municipality and a Municipal Corporation.

Section D: Long Answer Question (5 marks)

  1. Imagine you are a member of your local Municipal Corporation. Describe three initiatives you would take to improve the living conditions in your city.

Section E: Application-based Question (3 marks)

  1. Research and write a short paragraph on a local government project or initiative in your area. Explain its impact on the community.

Section F: Diagram-based Question (4 marks)

  1. Draw a diagram illustrating the structure of local government in your region. Label each level and briefly explain its role.


  • Write your answers neatly and legibly.
  • Be concise and to the point in your responses.
  • Make sure to read each question carefully before answering.

Feel free to modify the worksheet according to the specific details covered in your class or textbook.

Chapter 5 – Rural AdministrationRead More➔

Worksheet: Rural Administration

Name: ___________________________

Class: VI | Date: ______________

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the primary focus of rural administration?

    a. Urban development b. Rural development c. Industrial growth d. International relations

  2. Which of the following is the lowest level of rural administration in India?

    a. District b. State c. Block d. Panchayat

  3. The head of a Panchayat is called:

    a. Chief Minister b. Sarpanch c. Mayor d. Commissioner

  4. What is the main responsibility of the Block Development Officer (BDO)?

    a. National Defense b. Rural development at the block level c. Urban planning d. International trade

  5. In which state is the District Collector responsible for the administration?

    a. District b. State c. Block d. Panchayat

Section B: Map Identification (2 marks each)

Identify and label the following on the map of India:

  1. Panchayat
  2. Block
  3. District

Section C: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain the role of the Sarpanch in a Panchayat.

  2. What are the challenges faced in rural administration?

  3. How does the Block Development Officer contribute to rural development?

Section D: Application-based Questions (3 marks each)

  1. Role Play: Imagine you are the Sarpanch of a Panchayat. Describe a situation where you have to make a decision for the development of your village. What factors will you consider?

  2. Problem Solving: Identify a challenge in rural administration and suggest three practical solutions.

Section E: Long Answer Question (5 marks)

  1. Essay: Write an essay on the importance of effective rural administration in the overall development of a country. Include examples and solutions to support your points.


  • Answer all the questions.
  • Stick to the word limit where mentioned.
  • Provide neat and labeled maps for the map identification section.
  • Use additional sheets if needed.

This worksheet is designed to assess students’ understanding of the concepts presented in the chapter on Rural Administration. It includes a variety of question types to evaluate different levels of knowledge and application skills.

Chapter 6 – Urban AdministrationRead More➔

Class 6 – Social Science Worksheet

Chapter 6: Urban Administration

Name:_____________________________ Class: _______________ Date: _______________

Instructions: Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the chapter.

1. Define Urban Administration:

  • Explain in your own words what urban administration means. (3 marks)

2. Components of Urban Administration:

  • List three key components of urban administration mentioned in the chapter. (3 marks)

3. Roles and Functions:

  • Match the roles with the corresponding officials in urban administration.
    • Mayor
    • Municipal Commissioner
    • Councilors

a. Chief executive officer of the municipal corporation. ( ______ )

b. Elected representative responsible for city planning and development. ( ______ )

c. Head of the municipal council, often ceremonial in nature. ( ______ )

(3 marks)

4. Importance of Citizen Participation:

  • Explain why citizen participation is important in urban administration. (4 marks)

5. True or False:

  • Circle “T” for True and “F” for False.

a. The mayor is the chief executive officer of the municipal corporation. ( T / F )

b. Municipal Councilors are responsible for city planning and development. ( T / F )

c. Citizen participation has no impact on urban administration. ( T / F )

(3 marks)

6. Short Answer:

  • Describe one challenge faced by urban administrators in managing a city. (2 marks)

7. Role-Play Reflection:

  • Briefly reflect on your role-play experience. What did you learn about the responsibilities of urban administrators through this activity? (3 marks)

8. Homework Extension:

  • Research and write a short paragraph on a local urban development project. Include information on how citizen participation could contribute to its success or improvement. (5 marks)

Total Marks: ________ / 25

Note: Answer all questions. Be concise and use complete sentences where required.

Chapter 7 – Rural LivelihoodsRead More➔

Class: 6

Subject: Social Science

Chapter: 7 – Rural Livelihoods


I. Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the meaning of ‘rural livelihoods’?

    a. Jobs in the city
    b. Ways of earning a living in rural areas
    c. Livelihoods of rich people
    d. None of the above

  2. Which of the following is an example of rural livelihood?

    a. Software development
    b. Farming
    c. Fashion designing
    d. Marketing in a city

  3. Why are rural livelihoods important?

    a. They contribute to the development of the country
    b. They are not important
    c. Only in the villages
    d. None of the above

  4. What factors influence rural livelihood choices?

    a. Climate
    b. Availability of resources
    c. Market demand
    d. All of the above

II. True/False (1 mark each)

  1. Rural livelihoods have no significance in the Indian context. (True/False)

  2. Weaving is an example of a rural livelihood activity. (True/False)

  3. All rural livelihood activities face the same challenges. (True/False)

  4. Market demand does not impact rural livelihood choices. (True/False)

III. Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Define the term ‘rural livelihoods.’

  2. Give an example of a non-farming rural livelihood activity.

  3. Explain one challenge faced by rural communities in sustaining their livelihoods.

  4. How can individuals contribute to the development of rural livelihoods?

IV. Long Answer/Descriptive Questions (3 marks each)

  1. Choose a specific type of rural livelihood (e.g., farming, animal husbandry) and describe its characteristics, benefits, and challenges.

  2. Discuss the role of climate in influencing rural livelihood choices.

  3. Imagine you are a member of a rural community facing challenges in sustaining your livelihood. Describe the challenges you face and propose solutions.

Feel free to adjust the difficulty level and the number of questions based on your students’ understanding and the depth of the content you’ve covered in class.

The Earth: Our Habitat

Chapter 1 – The Earth in the Solar SystemRead More➔

Class 6 Social Science Worksheet

Name: ___________________________ Roll No: _______ Date: _______

I. Labeling the Solar System (5 marks)

Instructions: Label the planets in the Solar System using the word bank below.

Word Bank:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

  1. ________ – Third planet from the Sun.
  2. ________ – Known as the Red Planet.
  3. ________ – The largest planet in the Solar System.
  4. ________ – The ringed planet.
  5. ________ – Closest planet to the Sun.

II. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) (10 marks)

Instructions: Choose the correct option and circle the corresponding letter.

  1. What is the Earth’s movement around the Sun called? a) Rotation
    b) Revolution
    c) Orbit
    d) Spin

  2. Which planet is known as the “Morning Star” or “Evening Star”? a) Earth
    b) Venus
    c) Mars
    d) Jupiter

  3. What causes day and night on Earth? a) Rotation of the Moon
    b) Revolution of the Earth
    c) Rotation of the Earth
    d) Gravitational pull of the Sun

  4. Which planet is known as the “Blue Planet”? a) Mars
    b) Earth
    c) Neptune
    d) Uranus

  5. What is the importance of the Sun for life on Earth? a) Provides light and heat
    b) Causes earthquakes
    c) Controls tides
    d) Determines seasons

III. Short Answer Questions (5 marks)

  1. Explain the difference between rotation and revolution.

  2. How does the Earth’s movement around the Sun influence the changing seasons?

  3. Why is the Sun essential for life on Earth? Provide at least two reasons.

IV. True or False (5 marks)

Instructions: Determine if the statements are true (T) or false (F) and mark your answer.

  1. The Earth orbits around the Moon.

  2. Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun.

  3. Day and night are caused by the rotation of the Earth.

  4. Venus is hotter than Mercury.

  5. The Sun is a star.

V. Research and Write (5 marks)

Instructions: Research and write a short paragraph (50-60 words) on the significance of the Sun for life on Earth.

Total Marks: _______ / 30

Note: Attempt all questions. Write neatly. Good Luck!

Chapter 2 – Globe: Latitudes and LongitudesRead More➔

Worksheet: Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes

Class: 6

Subject: Social Science

I. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1. What is the main purpose of latitudes and longitudes?

A. To locate places on a map or globe

B. To measure temperature

C. To study history

D. To calculate time zones

2. The equator is a line of:

A. Longitude

B. Latitude

C. Altitude

D. Magnitude

3. Which line divides the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemisphere?

A. Prime Meridian

B. Equator

C. Tropic of Cancer

D. Tropic of Capricorn

II. True or False

4. Lines of latitude run north-south. (True/False)

5. The Prime Meridian is the reference line for measuring longitudes. (True/False)

6. The Tropic of Cancer is located in the Southern Hemisphere. (True/False)

III. Fill in the Blanks

7. The line of __________ runs horizontally around the Earth.

8. The __________ is located at 0 degrees latitude.

9. The intersection of a line of latitude and a line of longitude is called a __________.

IV. Short Answer Questions

10. Explain the significance of the Prime Meridian.

11. How do time zones work, and why are they important?

12. Name any two countries that the Equator passes through.

V. Map Skills

Use the map or globe provided to answer the following questions:

13. Locate the Tropic of Cancer on the map and write down its approximate coordinates.

14. Identify a country that lies on the Prime Meridian and state its capital.

VI. Application-based Questions

15. Imagine you are planning a trip from India to the United States. How would understanding time zones be helpful in planning your journey? Explain.

VII. Project Work

16. Design a poster illustrating the importance of understanding latitudes and longitudes in modern navigation and communication.

Note: Answer all the questions. Use a pen for writing. Be neat and clear in your responses. Good luck!

Feel free to modify the worksheet according to your specific preferences or the needs of your students.

Chapter 3 – Motions of the EarthRead More➔

Worksheet: Motions of the Earth

Name: ____________________________________ Class: _______ Date: _______

Part A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. The spinning of the Earth on its axis is known as: a) Revolution b) Rotation c) Orbit d) Tilting

  2. What causes day and night on Earth? a) Revolution b) Rotation c) Tilt of the Earth d) Earth’s orbit

  3. How long does it take for the Earth to complete one full rotation? a) 24 hours b) 12 hours c) 365 days d) 6 months

  4. The Earth’s movement around the Sun is called: a) Rotation b) Revolution c) Tilt d) Axial movement

  5. What is the main effect of the Earth’s tilt on its axis? a) Causes day and night b) Causes the changing seasons c) Causes ocean tides d) Causes earthquakes

Part B: True/False (1 mark each)

  1. The Earth’s axis is not tilted; it is straight up and down. (True/False)

  2. Summer occurs when the North Pole is tilted away from the Sun. (True/False)

  3. The Earth rotates from east to west. (True/False)

  4. Different time zones on Earth experience the same time simultaneously. (True/False)

  5. The Earth’s orbit around the Sun is a perfect circle. (True/False)

Part C: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain why we experience different seasons on Earth.

  2. How does the tilt of the Earth’s axis contribute to the length of the day?

  3. Define the term ‘time zone.’ Why do we have different time zones?

  4. What would happen if the Earth did not rotate on its axis?

  5. Describe the relationship between the Earth’s rotation and the concept of day and night.

Part D: Application (3 marks)

  1. Imagine you are in a country near the North Pole during summer. Explain the daylight pattern you would observe and why it occurs.

  2. Draw a simple diagram illustrating the positions of the Earth, Sun, and Moon during a solar eclipse. Briefly explain how a solar eclipse occurs.

Note: This is a general sample worksheet, and you may adjust it based on the specific content and emphasis of your class lectures and textbook.

Chapter 4 – MapsRead More➔

Worksheet: Understanding Maps

Class: 6 Subject: Social Science Chapter: 4 – Maps

A. Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is a map? a) A drawing of landscapes b) A representation of an area c) A historical document d) A scientific experiment

  2. What does a legend on a map typically represent? a) The title of the map b) The scale of the map c) The key to symbols used on the map d) The date the map was created

  3. Why are maps important? a) They tell stories b) They help in navigation c) They are used in art d) They are only for historical purposes

  4. What is the purpose of symbols on a map? a) To confuse readers b) To make the map colorful c) To represent real-world features d) To hide information

  5. Which of the following is an example of a physical map? a) A map showing population density b) A map showing mountains and rivers c) A map showing historical events d) A map showing political boundaries

B. True/False Statements (1 mark each)

  1. Maps are only useful for geography lessons. (True/False)

  2. The legend on a map provides information about symbols used on the map. (True/False)

  3. Maps help us understand the spatial arrangement of things. (True/False)

  4. A political map shows physical features like mountains and rivers. (True/False)

  5. Symbols on a map can vary in meaning depending on the map. (True/False)

C. Fill in the Blanks (1 mark each)

  1. Maps are a __________ representation of an area.
  2. The __________ on a map explains the symbols used.
  3. A map showing countries and capitals is an example of a __________ map.
  4. The key purpose of using symbols on a map is to represent __________ features.
  5. Maps help us with __________ and understanding the layout of places.

D. Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain the importance of maps in our daily lives.

  2. Give two examples of symbols you might find on a map and explain what they represent.

  3. Differentiate between a political map and a physical map.

  4. Why is it important to have a legend on a map?

  5. Imagine you are creating a map of your school. List three things you would include and the symbols you would use for them.

E. Map Creation (5 marks)

  1. Using the symbols and legends you have learned about, create a simple map of your classroom. Include doors, windows, desks, and any other prominent features. Don’t forget to add a title and a legend.

Note: This worksheet is designed to assess your understanding of the chapter on maps. Take your time, think carefully, and use what you’ve learned in class to answer the questions.

Feel free to adapt the questions based on the specific emphasis and focus of your classroom teachings.

Chapter 5 – Major Domains of the EarthRead More➔

Worksheet: Major Domains of the Earth

I. Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the solid outermost layer of the Earth called?

    • a) Hydrosphere
    • b) Atmosphere
    • c) Lithosphere
    • d) Biosphere
  2. Which domain includes all the water on Earth’s surface?

    • a) Lithosphere
    • b) Atmosphere
    • c) Hydrosphere
    • d) Biosphere
  3. The layer of gases surrounding the Earth is known as the:

    • a) Hydrosphere
    • b) Atmosphere
    • c) Lithosphere
    • d) Biosphere
  4. Where does life exist, including all living organisms on Earth?

    • a) Lithosphere
    • b) Atmosphere
    • c) Hydrosphere
    • d) Biosphere
  5. Which of the following is NOT a major domain of the Earth?

    • a) Cryosphere
    • b) Lithosphere
    • c) Hydrosphere
    • d) Troposphere

II. Fill in the Blanks (1 mark each)

  1. The _________ is the solid outer shell of the Earth.

  2. All the water on Earth’s surface, including oceans and rivers, is part of the _________.

  3. The layer of gases that surrounds the Earth is collectively known as the _________.

  4. The zone where life exists, including all living organisms on Earth, is called the _________.

  5. The major domains of the Earth work together and form a balanced _________.

III. Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain the role of the atmosphere in supporting life on Earth.

  2. Describe one way in which the lithosphere and hydrosphere are interconnected.

IV. Diagram-based Question (3 marks)

  1. Label the parts of the Earth in the diagram below:


V. Long Answer Question (5 marks)

  1. Discuss the interdependence of the major domains of the Earth and their significance for maintaining ecological balance.


  • Answer all the questions.
  • Be concise and clear in your responses.
  • Use a pencil for labeling the diagram.
  • Review your answers before submission.

Note: Replace “link-to-your-diagram-image” with the actual link or image of the diagram you want to include in question 13.

Feel free to adapt or modify this worksheet as needed for your specific classroom needs.

Chapter 6 – Our Country: IndiaRead More➔

Worksheet: Our Country: India

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the capital city of India? a. Mumbai b. Delhi c. Kolkata d. Chennai

  2. Which river is known as the “Ganga” in India? a. Yamuna b. Brahmaputra c. Indus d. Ganges

  3. What major geographical feature separates India from China in the north? a. Himalayas b. Western Ghats c. Thar Desert d. Deccan Plateau

  4. The Indian National Flag has how many stripes of different colors? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

  5. What is the significance of the national symbols in India? a. They represent different political parties. b. They promote unity and patriotism. c. They indicate different regions of the country. d. They have no specific significance.

Section B: Fill in the blanks (1 mark each)

  1. The highest mountain peak in India is ____________.

  2. The festival of lights celebrated in India is ____________.

  3. The Indian National Anthem is composed in the language of ____________.

  4. The Thar Desert is located in the state of ____________.

  5. The famous backwaters are a geographical feature of the state of ____________.

Section C: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Briefly explain the cultural exchange activity mentioned in the lesson.

  2. Name any three national symbols of India and explain their significance.

  3. What is the importance of the Indian National Anthem? Explain briefly.

Section D: Long Answer Question (5 marks)

  1. Imagine you are a tour guide showcasing the cultural diversity of India. Write a short essay describing the different regions you would take tourists to and what aspects of each region’s culture you would highlight.

Section E: Map Skills

  1. On the outline map provided, label the following:
  • The capital city of India
  • The Himalayan mountain range
  • The Thar Desert
  • The Ganges River

Note: This worksheet is a general template. You may need to adjust the difficulty level based on the aptitude of your students and the specific focus of your teaching.

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