(Our Pasts II)

Chapter 1: Tracing Changes through a Thousand Years

Worksheet: Tracing Changes through a Thousand Years

Name: ______________________ Class: VII Date: ______________

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. Which of the following is a major historical event discussed in the chapter?

    • A. A famous painting
    • B. The construction of a medieval castle
    • C. A modern invention
    • D. A recent political movement
  2. What is the significance of understanding historical events?

    • A. They provide entertainment
    • B. They help us learn about different cultures
    • C. They have no relevance today
    • D. They shape societies and cultures over time
  3. What is the purpose of the “Engage” phase in the 5E method?

    • A. To evaluate students’ knowledge
    • B. To generate curiosity and capture prior knowledge
    • C. To provide a summary of the lesson
    • D. To assign homework

Section B: Fill in the blanks (1 mark each)

  1. The 5E method consists of ___________ phases.

  2. ___________ is an activity-based teaching approach that encourages active learning.

  3. In the “Elaborate” phase, students engage in a ___________ activity based on the historical context.

Section C: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain the importance of creating a visual timeline for understanding historical events.

  2. Choose one historical event from the chapter and describe its impact on society.

Section D: Long Answer Question (5 marks)

  1. Imagine you are a character living during a significant historical event discussed in the chapter. Write a diary entry expressing your thoughts and experiences during that time. Include details about how the event has affected your daily life and the society around you.


  • Answer all questions.
  • Write neatly and legibly.
  • Stick to the word limit for each answer.

Feel free to adapt this worksheet as needed for your specific classroom requirements.

Chapter 2: Kings and Kingdoms

Worksheet: Kings and Kingdoms in Ancient India

Name:____________________________________ Class: VII Date:____________

I. Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each):

  1. Who was the founder of the Maurya dynasty? a) Chandragupta Maurya b) Ashoka c) Bindusara d) Chanakya

  2. The Gupta Empire is known for its contributions in the field of: a) Science and Mathematics b) Military conquests c) Literature and Arts d) Trade and Commerce

  3. Which ancient Indian ruler is known for his rock edicts and promotion of Buddhism? a) Harsha b) Kanishka c) Ashoka d) Chandragupta II

  4. The Chola dynasty was famous for its: a) Maritime trade and naval power b) Architectural achievements c) Religious tolerance d) All of the above

II. Fill in the Blanks (1 mark each):

  1. The ____________ dynasty was known for its extensive maritime trade.

  2. The capital of the Gupta Empire was ____________.

  3. The Mauryan emperor ____________ is associated with the spread of Buddhism.

  4. The Chola rulers were patrons of ____________ and ____________.

III. Short Answer Questions (2 marks each):

  1. Describe one major achievement of the Maurya dynasty.

  2. Explain the significance of the Gupta Empire in the history of ancient India.

IV. Match the Following (2 marks):

  1. Match the following rulers with their respective dynasties.

a. Chandra Gupta Maurya i. Chola b. Rajendra Chola ii. Gupta c. Samudra Gupta iii. Maurya

V. Long Answer Question (5 marks):

  1. Imagine you are an advisor to an ancient Indian king. What advice would you give to ensure the prosperity and stability of his kingdom? Provide at least three points with justifications.

VI. Reflection (2 marks):

  1. What aspect of ancient Indian history and the topic “Kings and Kingdoms” interests you the most? Why?

Answer Key:

  1. a) Chandragupta Maurya
  2. c) Literature and Arts
  3. c) Ashoka
  4. d) All of the above
  5. Chola
  6. Pataliputra
  7. Ashoka
  8. Literature, Arts
  9. Answers may vary. Example: The Maurya dynasty’s major achievement was the establishment of a centralized administration.
  10. Answers may vary. Example: The Gupta Empire was significant due to its advancements in science, mathematics, and literature.
  11. a-iii, b-i, c-ii
  12. Answers may vary. Example: Ensuring efficient administration, promoting trade, maintaining a strong military.
  13. Answers may vary. Example: I find the architectural achievements of the Chola dynasty most interesting because…

Remember to adjust the difficulty and length of the worksheet based on the capabilities of your students.

Chapter 3: Delhi: 12th to 15th Century

Worksheet: Delhi: 12th to 15th Century

Name:_________________________ Roll No.: _______________

Class: 7 Date: _______________

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who was the founder of the Slave Dynasty in Delhi during the 12th century?

  • A) Alauddin Khilji
  • B) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
  • C) Razia Sultan
  • D) Muhammad Ghori

2. Which century is the focus of our study regarding Delhi’s history in this chapter?

  • A) 8th to 11th Century
  • B) 12th to 15th Century
  • C) 16th to 18th Century
  • D) 19th to 21st Century

3. During which dynasty did the construction of the Qutub Minar begin?

  • A) Slave Dynasty
  • B) Khilji Dynasty
  • C) Tughlaq Dynasty
  • D) Mughal Dynasty

4. What is the significance of the Qutub Minar?

  • A) It served as a royal palace.
  • B) It is a religious shrine.
  • C) It is a victory tower.
  • D) It is a marketplace.

5. Which ruler is associated with the construction of Siri Fort in Delhi?

  • A) Iltutmish
  • B) Alauddin Khilji
  • C) Firuz Shah Tughlaq
  • D) Sher Shah Suri

Short Answer Questions:

6. Briefly explain the importance of Delhi during the 12th to 15th century.

7. Name two significant rulers from the Tughlaq Dynasty and mention one contribution each to Delhi’s development.

8. Describe the architectural features of the Red Fort in Delhi.


9. Draw a timeline:

  • Create a simple timeline depicting key historical events in Delhi from the 12th to the 15th century. Include the founding of important dynasties, major battles, and the construction of significant monuments.

Long Answer Question:

10. Explain how the development of Delhi as a capital city during the 12th to 15th century is reflective of the cultural and historical changes in the Indian subcontinent.

Note: Adjust the difficulty level based on the abilities of your students. The worksheet aims to cover various cognitive levels, from recall to analysis.

Chapter 4: The Mughal Empire: 16th to 17th Century

Worksheet: The Mughal Empire: 16th to 17th Century

Name: ___________________ Class: ________ Roll No.: ________

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

1. Who was the founder of the Mughal Empire in India?

  • a) Akbar
  • b) Babur
  • c) Shah Jahan
  • d) Jahangir

2. What is the architectural style of the Taj Mahal?

  • a) Persian
  • b) Mughal
  • c) Rajput
  • d) Gupta

3. Which Mughal emperor is known for his religious tolerance and the policy of Sulh-i-Kul?

  • a) Babur
  • b) Akbar
  • c) Shah Jahan
  • d) Aurangzeb

4. The Battle of Panipat in 1526 marked the beginning of the Mughal Empire. Who was the opponent of Babur in this battle?

  • a) Sher Shah Suri
  • b) Ibrahim Lodhi
  • c) Humayun
  • d) Akbar

5. Which Mughal emperor is associated with the construction of the Red Fort in Delhi?

  • a) Akbar
  • b) Jahangir
  • c) Shah Jahan
  • d) Aurangzeb

Section B: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

6. Briefly explain the concept of “Mughal miniature paintings” and mention one famous example.

7. Describe one major administrative reform introduced by Akbar during his reign.

Section C: Long Answer Questions (3 marks each)

8. Discuss the cultural and architectural achievements of the Mughal Empire, focusing on any two monuments.

9. Analyze the factors that led to the decline of the Mughal Empire.

Section D: Application-based Question (5 marks)

10. Imagine you are a historian during the Mughal period. Write a letter to a friend describing the impact of Akbar’s reign on the cultural and religious landscape of India. Include specific examples to support your points.


  • Answer all questions.
  • Write neatly and legibly.
  • Read the questions carefully before answering.
  • Review your answers before submitting the worksheet.

Feel free to adapt the questions based on the specific emphasis you want to put on certain topics or modify the difficulty level according to your students’ understanding.

Chapter 5: Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities

Worksheet: Tribes, Nomads, and Settled Communities

I. Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is a key feature that distinguishes tribes from nomads and settled communities? a. Urban lifestyle b. Agricultural practices c. Nomadic lifestyle d. Industrialization

  2. Which of the following is a characteristic of nomadic communities? a. Permanent settlements b. Agriculture as the main occupation c. Constantly moving from one place to another d. Large, structured governments

  3. Settled communities are often characterized by: a. Portable homes b. Lack of agriculture c. Permanent dwellings d. Frequent migration

  4. Which group faces challenges related to land rights and cultural preservation in contemporary times? a. Tribes b. Nomads c. Settled communities d. All of the above

II. Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Define the term ‘nomadic lifestyle’ and provide one example of a nomadic community.

  2. Explain the importance of understanding and respecting the diversity of tribes, nomads, and settled communities.

III. Case Study Analysis (4 marks)

Read the following case study and answer the questions:

Case Study: The Vanishing Culture

The XYZ tribe, known for its unique traditions and cultural practices, is facing challenges due to modernization. The younger generation is gradually abandoning the traditional ways of life. Additionally, their ancestral lands are being encroached upon by industrial developments.

  1. Identify two challenges faced by the XYZ tribe based on the case study.

  2. Suggest two measures that could help preserve the cultural heritage of the XYZ tribe.

IV. Application of Concepts (3 marks)

  1. Imagine you are a member of a nomadic community. Describe three practical difficulties you might face in maintaining a nomadic lifestyle in today’s world.

V. Reflection (3 marks)

  1. Why is it important for students to learn about tribes, nomads, and settled communities? How can this knowledge contribute to building a more inclusive society?

VI. Vocabulary (2 marks)

  1. Match the following terms with their correct definitions:
  • Cultural Preservation
  • Urbanization
  • Nomadic Lifestyle
  • Agriculture

Definitions: a. The practice of moving from one place to another, often for livelihood. b. The process of protecting and maintaining the cultural heritage of a community. c. The development or growth of cities. d. The cultivation of land and the rearing of crops and livestock.

Answer Key:

  1. c

  2. c

  3. c

  4. a

  5. A nomadic lifestyle involves constantly moving from one place to another in search of resources. Example: Bedouin tribes in the Middle East.

  6. Understanding and respecting the diversity of tribes, nomads, and settled communities is important for fostering cultural appreciation, tolerance, and unity in society.

  7. Challenges faced by the XYZ tribe:

    • Loss of traditional practices among the younger generation.
    • Encroachment of ancestral lands by industrial developments.
  8. Measures to preserve the cultural heritage of the XYZ tribe:

    • Implementing educational programs to pass down cultural practices.
    • Advocating for the protection of tribal lands through legal means.
  9. Possible difficulties faced by a nomadic community in today’s world:

    • Limited access to healthcare and education.
    • Restrictions on traditional migration routes.
    • Challenges in maintaining cultural identity.
  10. Learning about tribes, nomads, and settled communities promotes cultural awareness, empathy, and understanding. This knowledge contributes to the development of a more inclusive society by recognizing and valuing diverse ways of life.

  11. Vocabulary:

  • Cultural Preservation: b
  • Urbanization: c
  • Nomadic Lifestyle: a
  • Agriculture: d

Note: This worksheet is a sample and can be modified based on the specific requirements of the class or curriculum.

Chapter 6: Devotional Paths to the Divine

Worksheet: Devotional Paths to the Divine

Name: ___________________________________ Class: 7 Roll No: ____________


  1. Answer all the questions.
  2. Read each question carefully before answering.
  3. Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the main focus of the Bhakti movement?

    • A. Social equality
    • B. Meditation
    • C. Rituals and ceremonies
    • D. Political power
  2. Sufism is known for its:

    • A. Strict rituals
    • B. Mystical aspects
    • C. Social hierarchy
    • D. Lack of religious tolerance
  3. Which Sikh Guru is considered the founder of Sikhism?

    • A. Guru Nanak
    • B. Guru Gobind Singh
    • C. Guru Tegh Bahadur
    • D. Guru Arjan Dev

Section B: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain one key teaching of the Bhakti movement and how it influenced society.

    Answer: _______________________________________________________________

  2. What is the significance of Sufi music in the practice of Sufism?

    Answer: _______________________________________________________________

  3. Describe one ritual or practice commonly observed in Gurudwaras according to Sikhism.

    Answer: _______________________________________________________________

Section C: Reflection (3 marks)

  1. Reflect on the importance of religious tolerance in a diverse society like India. Provide examples to support your reflection.

    Answer: _______________________________________________________________

Teacher’s Note:

  • Ensure that students follow the instructions carefully.
  • Collect and review the worksheets for assessment.
  • Provide constructive feedback to help students understand the concepts better.

Feel free to modify the questions and instructions based on your specific classroom needs.

Chapter 7: The Making of Regional Cultures

Worksheet: The Making of Regional Cultures

Name: ____________________ Class: 7 Date: ______________


  1. Answer all questions.
  2. Write your answers in the space provided.
  3. Be clear and concise in your responses.

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions

1. What factors contributed to the making of regional cultures in India? a) Political factors b) Economic factors c) Social factors d) All of the above

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor influencing regional cultures? a) Geography b) Language c) Globalization d) Religion

3. Why is it important to study regional cultures in India? a) To promote uniformity b) To appreciate diversity c) To discourage cultural exchange d) None of the above

Section B: Short Answer Questions

4. Explain one factor that contributed to the making of regional cultures in India.


5. Choose a region of India and describe one unique aspect of its culture.


6. How can the preservation of regional cultures contribute to the overall cultural heritage of India?


Section C: Long Answer Question

7. Imagine you are a cultural ambassador representing a region of India. Create a presentation highlighting the key elements of your region’s culture, including its history, art, and traditions.

You can use bullet points to organize your presentation.


Section D: Critical Thinking

8. Discuss why understanding regional cultures is crucial in fostering national unity.


9. Do you think globalization has a positive or negative impact on regional cultures? Justify your answer.


Section E: Application

10. Plan an event in your school that celebrates the diversity of regional cultures in India. Outline the activities and explain how they will showcase the uniqueness of different regions.


Total Marks: _______

Note: This worksheet is designed to assess your understanding of the chapter “The Making of Regional Cultures.” Ensure that your responses are accurate and thoughtful.

Chapter 8: Eighteenth Century Political Formations

Worksheet: Eighteenth Century Political Formations

Name: ______________________ Date: ___________

Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. Who was a key figure in the emergence of Absolute Monarchy in the eighteenth century?

    • A) John Locke
    • B) Louis XIV
    • C) Thomas Hobbes
    • D) Voltaire
  2. Which economic factor contributed to the rise of Constitutional Monarchy in some European countries?

    • A) Agricultural Revolution
    • B) Industrial Revolution
    • C) Commercial Revolution
    • D) Technological Revolution
  3. The concept of “separation of powers” is associated with:

    • A) Absolute Monarchy
    • B) Constitutional Monarchy
    • C) Republic
    • D) Autocracy

True/False (1 mark each)

  1. The Enlightenment ideas had no influence on the political formations of the eighteenth century. (True/False)

  2. The Glorious Revolution in England resulted in the establishment of a Constitutional Monarchy. (True/False)

Fill in the Blanks (1 mark each)

  1. The political system in which a monarch holds absolute power is known as _____________.

  2. The term used for a government where power is in the hands of elected representatives is _____________.

  3. The philosopher ___________ is known for his ideas on natural rights and social contract.

Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain one major difference between Absolute Monarchy and Constitutional Monarchy.

  2. How did economic changes, such as the Commercial Revolution, influence political formations in the eighteenth century?

Long Answer Question (5 marks)

  1. Describe the impact of Enlightenment ideas on the political developments of the eighteenth century.


  • Attempt all questions.
  • Write your answers in the space provided.
  • Make sure your answers are clear and concise.
  • Review your answers before submission.

This worksheet aims to assess students’ knowledge and understanding of the key concepts related to the chapter “Eighteenth Century Political Formations.” Adjustments can be made based on specific content covered in the classroom.

Social and Political Life

Chapter 1: On Equality

Worksheet: On Equality

Name:_________________________ Class: 7th Date: _________________

Instructions: Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the chapter ‘On Equality’.

I. Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. What is the main focus of the chapter ‘On Equality’?

    a. Historical events
    b. Geographical features
    c. Societal divisions
    d. Political systems

  2. Social divisions can be based on:

    a. Age
    b. Gender
    c. Height
    d. All of the above

  3. Why is equality important in a society?

    a. It promotes harmony and unity
    b. It creates divisions
    c. It encourages discrimination
    d. It does not have any significance

II. Define the following terms:

  1. Equality:

  2. Social divisions:

III. Short Answer Questions:

  1. Give one example of each type of social division discussed in the chapter.

    a. Gender-based division: ______________________________________

    b. Caste-based division: _______________________________________

    c. Economic-based division: ___________________________________

  2. Explain in a few sentences why promoting equality is crucial for a society.

IV. Group Activity:

  1. In your group, discuss and list three real-life examples of social divisions that you observe around you. Be ready to present them to the class.

    Group Members:

V. Reflection:

  1. How can you contribute to promoting equality in your school or community? List at least two actions.

    a. _______________________________________________________

    b. _______________________________________________________

VI. Homework:

  1. Observe and note down instances of inequality you encounter in your surroundings. Think about possible ways to address or eliminate these inequalities.

Note: Ensure that your answers are clear and concise. Use complete sentences where required. Review your answers before submitting the worksheet.

Feel free to modify this worksheet according to the specific needs and expectations of your class or curriculum.

Chapter 2: Role of the Government in Health

Worksheet: Role of the Government in Health

Class: 7

Subject: Social Science

Chapter: Role of the Government in Health


  1. Answer all the questions.
  2. Write your answers in the spaces provided.
  3. Be clear and concise in your responses.

I. Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the main topic of the chapter? a. History of Health b. Role of the Government in Health c. Personal Health Choices d. Traditional Medicine


  2. Why is the government’s role crucial in health? a. It’s a tradition b. To control the population c. To ensure public health and healthcare facilities d. For economic reasons


  3. Which group is responsible for discussing the importance of government involvement in healthcare during the Explore phase? a. Individuals b. Small groups c. Whole class d. Teacher only


II. Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. List three specific roles of the government in promoting health.


  2. Explain the impact of government intervention on public health. Provide at least one positive and one negative example.


III. Application Questions (3 marks each)

  1. Imagine you are a government health official. Suggest three initiatives you would implement to improve public health in your area. Explain the rationale behind each initiative.


  2. Research and write a brief paragraph about a real-life healthcare policy or initiative undertaken by the government in your region or country. Include its objectives and outcomes.


IV. Reflection (4 marks)

  1. In your own words, discuss why you think it is important for the government to be involved in promoting health. Consider the impact on individuals and society as a whole.


V. Homework Assignment

  1. Research and write about a healthcare policy or initiative implemented by the government in another country. Compare it with a policy in your own country and discuss the similarities and differences.


Note: Adapt the questions based on the specific content covered in your class and the level of understanding of your students.

Chapter 3: How the State Government Works

Worksheet: How the State Government Works

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. Who is the head of the State Government?

    • A. President
    • B. Chief Minister
    • C. Prime Minister
    • D. Governor
  2. What is the main function of the State Legislature?

    • A. Enforcing laws
    • B. Making laws
    • C. Interpreting laws
    • D. Reviewing laws
  3. Who represents the State in the Union Government?

    • A. Chief Minister
    • B. Governor
    • C. State Council of Ministers
    • D. State Legislature
  4. Which of the following is not a part of the State Executive?

    • A. Governor
    • B. Chief Minister
    • C. Members of Parliament
    • D. State Council of Ministers

Section B: True/False (1 mark each)

  1. The Chief Minister is appointed by the Governor.

    • True / False
  2. The State Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the State Legislature.

    • True / False
  3. The State Legislature is bicameral in all states of India.

    • True / False

Section C: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain the role of the Governor in the State Government.

  2. What is the significance of the State Legislature in a democratic system?

Section D: Application-Based Questions (3 marks each)

  1. Imagine you are the Chief Minister of a state. What steps would you take to address a pressing issue in your state?

  2. Discuss a recent decision or policy made by your State Government and its impact on the people.

Section E: Long Answer Question (5 marks)

  1. Describe the process of lawmaking in the State Legislature. Include the key stages and the role of different bodies in this process.

Note to Teachers: This worksheet is designed to assess students’ understanding of the structure and functioning of the State Government. Ensure that students answer each question clearly and provide relevant details where necessary.

Chapter 4: Growing up as Boys and Girls

Worksheet: Growing up as Boys and Girls

Name:__________________________________________ Class: 7 Roll No: __________ Date: __________

I. Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the main focus of the chapter “Growing up as Boys and Girls”? a) Life in a village b) Gender roles and stereotypes c) Historical events d) Environmental issues

  2. Gender roles are: a) Fixed and unchangeable b) Varied and can be challenged c) Applicable only to girls d) Ignored by society

  3. In the media analysis activity, why is it important to critically examine advertisements and TV shows? a) To learn about different cultures b) To identify and understand gender stereotypes c) To promote specific products d) To ignore societal norms

II. True/False Statements (1 mark each)

  1. True/False: Gender roles only exist in certain cultures and not universally.

  2. True/False: Challenging gender norms can have positive impacts on individuals and society.

  3. True/False: The role-play activity focused on reinforcing traditional gender norms.

III. Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Define gender roles and provide an example.

  2. How can media contribute to the reinforcement of gender stereotypes?

  3. Explain one way in which a person can challenge traditional gender norms.

IV. Application Activity (3 marks)

  1. Imagine you are a journalist interviewing a person who has successfully challenged traditional gender norms. Write three questions you would ask in the interview and why.


  1. b) Gender roles and stereotypes
  2. b) Varied and can be challenged
  3. b) To identify and understand gender stereotypes
  4. False
  5. True
  6. False
  7. Gender roles are societal expectations and behaviors associated with being male or female. Example: The expectation that boys play with trucks and girls play with dolls.
  8. Media can reinforce gender stereotypes by portraying traditional roles and expectations. For example, showing women primarily in caregiving roles and men in leadership roles.
  9. One way to challenge traditional gender norms is by encouraging and supporting individuals to pursue interests and careers traditionally associated with the opposite gender.
  10. (Answers may vary) Example questions: How did you overcome societal expectations? What impact did challenging gender norms have on your life? How can others follow your example?

Note: Teachers can modify the questions based on the depth of coverage in their classrooms and the specific emphasis on certain aspects of the chapter.

Chapter 5: Women Change the World

Name:_________________________ Date:___________________ Class: 7

Worksheet: Women Change the World

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. Who is known for her contributions to the field of science and won two Nobel Prizes? a. Rosa Parks b. Marie Curie c. Amelia Earhart d. Mother Teresa

  2. The chapter “Women Change the World” emphasizes the importance of: a. Gender inequality b. Respecting women’s rights c. Ignoring women’s contributions d. None of the above

  3. In the group activity, what did Group B demonstrate in their role-play scenario? a. Gender inequality b. Women’s rights and equality c. Historical events d. None of the above

Section B: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Name two women from different historical periods and explain their contributions.

  2. Why is it essential to recognize and celebrate the achievements of women in history?

Section C: Role-Play Reflection (3 marks)

  1. Reflect on the role-play activity. Discuss one thing you learned from the activity and how it relates to promoting gender equality.

Section D: Application of Knowledge (4 marks)

  1. Imagine you are a reporter. Write a short article highlighting the contributions of a contemporary woman who is making a difference in society. Include details about her work and its impact.

Section E: Evaluation of Understanding (5 marks)

  1. Evaluate the following statement: “Gender equality is not relevant in today’s world.” Provide reasons for your evaluation.

Total Marks: ________/20

Teacher’s Remarks:

Note: This worksheet is designed to assess students’ understanding of the chapter and their ability to apply the knowledge gained during the lesson.

Chapter 6: Understanding Media

Worksheet: Understanding Media – Role of Media in Society

I. Define the Following Terms:

  1. Media:

  2. Mass Media:

  3. Social Media:

II. Identify the Media Form: Match the media form with its description.

Media Forms: a. Television b. Newspaper c. Social Media d. Radio


  1. This form of media is known for delivering news through articles and headlines.

  2. People often use this form of media to share personal updates, photos, and videos with a large audience.

  3. It broadcasts audio content, including news, music, and talk shows.

  4. It provides both visual and auditory information and is a popular source of entertainment.

III. Impact Analysis: Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the impact of media.

  1. How does media influence public opinion?

  2. Discuss one positive and one negative impact of social media on society.

IV. Case Study: Read the given case study and answer the questions that follow.

Case Study: Sarah reads a news article on the internet and shares it on her social media account without verifying the information. Later, she finds out that the information was false.

  1. What responsibility do individuals like Sarah have when sharing information on social media?

  2. How can individuals ensure the accuracy of the information before sharing it on social media?

V. Reflection: Express your thoughts on responsible media consumption.

  1. Why is it important for individuals to be critical consumers of media content?

  2. What steps can you take to ensure responsible media consumption in your daily life?

Feel free to adjust the difficulty level or add more specific questions based on the depth of understanding you want from the students.

Chapter 7: Markets Around Us

Class 7 Social Science Worksheet

Chapter: Markets Around Us

Name: ________________________ Roll No: ______ Date: __________

I. Multiple Choice Questions: (1 mark each)

  1. What are markets?

    a. Places where people gather to chat

    b. Places where goods and services are bought and sold

    c. Parks and recreational areas

    d. None of the above

  2. Which of the following is an example of a local market?

    a. Walmart

    b. A street market in your neighborhood

    c. Amazon

    d. All of the above

  3. What determines the prices of goods and services in a market?

    a. Government regulations

    b. Demand and supply

    c. Random fluctuations

    d. Weather conditions

II. True/False: (1 mark each)

  1. Markets only exist in big cities. (True/False)

  2. Demand refers to the quantity of goods and services producers are willing to offer at different prices. (True/False)

III. Short Answer Questions: (2 marks each)

  1. Explain the concept of demand and supply in a market.

  2. Name and describe one local market in your area. What kind of products or services are commonly traded there?

IV. Application-based Questions: (3 marks each)

  1. Imagine you are a seller in a market. Explain how changes in demand and supply can affect the prices of the goods you are selling.

  2. Research and write a short paragraph about the impact of markets on the economy. Include at least two examples to support your answer.

V. Long Answer Question: (5 marks)

  1. Discuss the role of markets in the distribution of goods and services. Provide examples to illustrate your points.

Note: Teachers can adjust the difficulty level of questions based on the students’ understanding and the depth of the chapter covered in class.

Chapter 8: A Shirt in the Market

Worksheet: Understanding the Market – A Shirt in the Market

Name: ___________________________ Class: 7 ______________ Date: ______________

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the main focus of the chapter “A Shirt in the Market”?

    • a) Types of shirts
    • b) The role of markets in the economy
    • c) How to make a shirt
    • d) Shirt fashion trends
  2. What is the significance of markets in everyday life?

    • a) No significance
    • b) Economic impact
    • c) Entertainment
    • d) Historical importance
  3. Which stakeholders are involved in the production and distribution of a shirt?

    • a) Only farmers
    • b) Only manufacturers
    • c) Farmers, manufacturers, and retailers
    • d) Only consumers

Section B: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain the concept of demand and supply with reference to the market.

  2. Why is consumer choice important in the market? Give two reasons.

Section C: Long Answer Questions (3 marks each)

  1. Describe the journey of a shirt from raw materials to the market. Include the roles of different stakeholders.

  2. Choose a scenario where a consumer has to make a choice between two shirts. Explain the factors that might influence the consumer’s decision.

Section D: Application-Based Questions (5 marks)

  1. Role-Play Activity:
    • Assume the role of a farmer and describe the challenges you face in providing raw materials for shirts.
    • What would you say to a manufacturer to convince them to buy your raw materials?

Section E: Map Work (4 marks)

  1. Mark the following on the map of your country:
    • a) A local market
    • b) A manufacturing center
    • c) A retail store
    • d) An area with cotton farming


  • Answer all questions in the provided spaces.
  • Write neatly and legibly.
  • Check your answers before submitting.

This is a general template. Adjustments may be necessary based on the specific content and focus areas of the CBSE syllabus or any particular instructions from your school.

Our Environment

Chapter 1: Environment

Worksheet: Understanding Our Environment


Roll No:_____________ Date: _________________

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the main objective of the lesson “Understanding Our Environment”? a. Learn about different subjects
    b. Understand the importance of the environment
    c. Explore historical events
    d. None of the above

  2. Which of the following is a living component of the environment? a. Air
    b. Water
    c. Soil
    d. Plants

  3. What is the purpose of the Environmental Scavenger Hunt activity? a. To find hidden treasures
    b. To identify various components of the environment
    c. To collect garbage
    d. To play a game

Section B: True/False Statements (1 mark each)

  1. The environment includes only living components. (True/False)

  2. Interdependence among living organisms is not essential for their survival. (True/False)

  3. Deforestation is a positive activity for the environment. (True/False)

Section C: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Define the term “environment.”

  2. Explain the concept of interdependence among living organisms with an example.

  3. Why is it important to conserve and protect the environment?

Section D: Application-based Questions (3 marks each)

  1. Case Study: Read the following case and answer the questions below.

Case: The residents of a town cut down a large number of trees to make space for a new housing project.

a. What environmental issue is depicted in this case?

b. What could be the consequences of cutting down a large number of trees?

c. Suggest two ways to address the issue and promote environmental conservation.

  1. Project Work: Plan a small awareness campaign to educate your classmates about the importance of environmental conservation. Provide three key points that you would include in your campaign and explain why each point is crucial.

Section E: Reflection (5 marks)

  1. Reflect on the Environmental Scavenger Hunt activity. Discuss one thing you learned during the activity and how it has changed your perspective on the environment.


  • Answer all questions.
  • Write your answers neatly and legibly.
  • Review your answers before submitting.

Note: This worksheet is a sample, and you can modify it based on the specific content covered in your class or any specific instructions provided by your teacher.

Chapter 2: Inside Our Earth

Worksheet: Inside Our Earth

Name: ________________________________

Class: 7 Section: ______ Date: __________

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the outermost layer of the Earth called?

    • a) Mantle
    • b) Crust
    • c) Core
    • d) Inner Core
  2. Which part of the Earth is responsible for magnetic field generation?

    • a) Crust
    • b) Outer Core
    • c) Mantle
    • d) Inner Core
  3. What causes earthquakes on Earth?

    • a) Wind
    • b) Plate Tectonics
    • c) Ocean currents
    • d) Volcanic eruptions
  4. Which layer is mostly composed of solid rock and minerals?

    • a) Crust
    • b) Mantle
    • c) Outer Core
    • d) Inner Core
  5. What is the thickest layer of the Earth?

    • a) Crust
    • b) Mantle
    • c) Outer Core
    • d) Inner Core

Section B: Fill in the Blanks (1 mark each)

  1. The Earth’s ________ is composed of solid rock and is divided into continental and oceanic types.

  2. The movement of tectonic plates causes ________ on the Earth’s surface.

  3. The Earth’s ________ is responsible for generating a magnetic field.

  4. The layer beneath the crust is called the ________.

  5. The thinnest layer of the Earth is the ________.

Section C: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain the concept of plate tectonics.

  2. Differentiate between the continental crust and the oceanic crust.

  3. How does the movement of tectonic plates contribute to the formation of earthquakes?

  4. Why is the Earth’s outer core important for generating a magnetic field?

Section D: Application-based Questions (3 marks each)

  1. Imagine you are a scientist studying earthquakes. Explain how you would use your knowledge of plate tectonics to predict earthquake-prone areas.

  2. Create a diagram showing the layers of the Earth and label each layer.


  • This worksheet is designed based on the CBSE pattern and the content covered in the “Inside Our Earth” chapter for Class 7 Social Science.
  • Students are encouraged to answer all questions independently.
  • The marks assigned to each question indicate the relative weight of each question in the assessment.

Chapter 3: Our Changing Earth

Class: 7 Subject: Social Science Chapter: Our Changing Earth

Worksheet: Understanding Earth’s Geomorphic Processes

I. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the process by which rocks break down into smaller particles over time? a. Erosion b. Weathering c. Deposition d. Tectonics

  2. Which of the following is an example of a landform created by deposition? a. Mountain b. Valley c. Delta d. Plateau

  3. What is the main cause of erosion in river valleys? a. Wind b. Water c. Ice d. Gravity

  4. Which of the following is a fast change in the Earth’s surface? a. Weathering b. Erosion c. Volcanic activity d. Tectonic plates

II. True/False:

  1. True or False: Weathering and erosion are the same processes.

  2. True or False: Human activities have no impact on the changing Earth’s surface.

  3. True or False: Plate tectonics is a slow process that leads to significant changes in the Earth’s crust.

III. Fill in the Blanks:

  1. _______ is the breaking down of rocks into smaller particles.

  2. The process of transporting weathered materials is called _______.

  3. The Grand Canyon is an example of a landform created by _______.

IV. Short Answer Questions:

  1. Explain one way in which human activities can contribute to the changing Earth’s surface.

  2. Describe the difference between weathering and erosion.

V. Application:

  1. Choose a local landform and explain how it might have been formed through geomorphic processes.

Answer Key:

  1. b. Weathering

  2. c. Delta

  3. b. Water

  4. c. Volcanic activity

  5. False

  6. False

  7. True

  8. Weathering

  9. Erosion

  10. Erosion

  11. Answers may vary. Examples include deforestation, mining, etc.

  12. Weathering is the breakdown of rocks into smaller particles in place, while erosion is the transport of these particles to another location.

  13. Answers may vary. Students should describe the landform and the processes that led to its formation.

Feel free to modify the worksheet according to the specific requirements of your students or the CBSE guidelines.

Chapter 4: Air

Worksheet: Air Pollution and Its Effects

Name: ___________________________________ Class: _________ Date: ___________

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is air pollution? a) Clean air b) The presence of pollutants in the air c) Breathing fresh air d) A type of cloud

  2. Which of the following is a natural source of air pollution? a) Vehicles b) Volcanic eruptions c) Factories d) Burning of fossil fuels

  3. Which air pollutant is mainly responsible for acid rain? a) Carbon monoxide b) Sulfur dioxide c) Nitrogen oxides d) Particulate matter

  4. What is the primary cause of smog in urban areas? a) Ozone depletion b) Carbon monoxide emissions c) Industrial pollution d) Vehicle emissions

  5. What are VOCs? a) Volcanic organic compounds b) Volatile organic compounds c) Very odorous chemicals d) Vital organic compounds

Section B: True/False (1 mark each)

  1. True or False: Air pollution only has adverse effects on the environment, not on human health.

  2. True or False: Carbon monoxide is a greenhouse gas responsible for global warming.

  3. True or False: The burning of fossil fuels is a natural source of air pollution.

  4. True or False: Acid rain can have harmful effects on soil, water bodies, and vegetation.

  5. True or False: Increasing the number of trees in an area can help reduce air pollution.

Section C: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain the term ‘particulate matter’ and its sources.

  2. List three major health effects of long-term exposure to air pollution.

Section D: Application-Based Questions (3 marks each)

  1. Choose a city known for severe air pollution. Describe the major sources of pollution in that city and suggest three measures to improve air quality.

  2. Imagine you are a member of a local environmental club. What initiatives could your club take to raise awareness about air pollution in your community?

Section E: Long Answer Question (5 marks)

  1. Discuss the role of individuals in reducing air pollution. Provide at least five practical steps that individuals can take to contribute to cleaner air.

Feel free to modify the questions or add more based on the depth of understanding you want to assess in your students.

Chapter 5: Water

Class: 7 | Subject: Social Science | Chapter: 5 – Water

Worksheet: Understanding Water

Objective: To assess the students’ understanding of the importance of water, its sources, and the water cycle.

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What percentage of the Earth’s surface is covered by water?

    • a) 50%
    • b) 75%
    • c) 97%
    • d) 25%
  2. Which of the following is a freshwater source?

    • a) River
    • b) Ocean
    • c) Sea
    • d) Pond
  3. What is the process by which water vapor turns into liquid water?

    • a) Evaporation
    • b) Condensation
    • c) Precipitation
    • d) Transpiration

Section B: Fill in the Blanks (1 mark each)

  1. The _________ cycle involves the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth.

  2. __________ is the process by which plants release water vapor into the atmosphere.

  3. The main sources of freshwater include rivers, lakes, and ___________.

Section C: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain the importance of water in our daily lives.

  2. Describe two human activities that contribute to water pollution.

  3. Briefly explain the concept of the water cycle.

Section D: Long Answer Questions (5 marks each)

  1. Case Study: Water Conservation in Your Community
  • Research and describe two water conservation methods that could be implemented in your local community.
  • Explain the potential benefits and challenges associated with each method.
  • Propose how community members can actively participate in water conservation efforts.

Section E: Application-Based Questions (3 marks each)

  1. Imagine you are a policymaker in charge of addressing water scarcity in a region.

    • List three strategies you would implement to ensure sustainable water management.
  2. Discuss how deforestation can impact the water cycle and contribute to water scarcity.


  • Ensure to read each question carefully before answering.
  • Write your answers in a clear and organized manner.
  • Review your responses to check for accuracy and completeness.

This sample worksheet is designed to cover various aspects of the chapter, including basic concepts, practical applications, and critical thinking. Teachers can modify it based on the specific requirements of their classroom and the CBSE curriculum.

Chapter 6: Human-Environment Interactions – The Tropical and the Subtropical RegionRead More➔

Worksheet: Human-Environment Interactions – The Tropical and the Subtropical Region

Name:________________________ Class:_________________ Roll No.: _________________

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the main focus of the chapter? a. Polar regions b. Temperate regions c. Tropical and subtropical regions d. Mountainous regions

  2. Human-environment interactions refer to: a. The impact of humans on the environment b. The impact of the environment on humans c. Both a and b d. None of the above

  3. Which of the following is a human adaptation to the tropical environment? a. Building igloos b. Using air conditioners c. Wearing heavy jackets d. Constructing thatched houses

  4. Deforestation in tropical regions can lead to: a. Increased biodiversity b. Soil erosion c. Cool climate d. Improved water retention

  5. What is the importance of biodiversity in tropical and subtropical regions? a. It has no significance b. It supports ecological balance c. It increases urbanization d. It causes environmental degradation

Section B: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain one challenge faced by people living in tropical regions due to human activities.

  2. Describe two human adaptations to the subtropical climate.

  3. How does urbanization affect the environment in tropical and subtropical regions?

  4. Mention any two sustainable practices to preserve the environment in these regions.

  5. Briefly explain the concept of biodiversity and its significance.

Section C: Long Answer Question (5 marks)

  1. Imagine you are a resident of a tropical region. Write a letter to the local community highlighting the importance of preserving the environment and suggesting three practical steps they can take for sustainable living.


  • Answer all questions.
  • Write your answers in the spaces provided.
  • Be clear and concise in your responses.
  • Review your answers before submitting.

Feel free to modify the worksheet according to the specific details covered in your class or the textbook.

Chapter 7: Life in the Deserts

Worksheet: Life in the Deserts

Name: __________________________

Class: 7 Subject: Social Science Date: _______________


  1. Read the questions carefully before answering.
  2. Attempt all questions.
  3. Write your answers in the space provided.

I. Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What are the key characteristics of desert environments? a. High rainfall b. Mild temperatures c. Extreme temperatures and scarcity of water d. Dense vegetation

  2. How do desert plants adapt to survive in arid conditions? a. They have long roots. b. They store water. c. They are nocturnal. d. All of the above

  3. Why are deserts important in the ecosystem? a. They provide a comfortable habitat for humans. b. They regulate climate. c. They have abundant water resources. d. None of the above

  4. What human activities can lead to desertification? a. Afforestation b. Overgrazing c. Desert conservation d. Planting more trees

II. Fill in the Blanks (1 mark each)

  1. Desert animals are often __________, meaning they are active during the night.

  2. The scarcity of water in deserts has led to the evolution of plants with __________ that can store water.

  3. The process of turning fertile land into desert due to various factors is known as __________.

  4. Deserts play a crucial role in maintaining the __________ by regulating temperature and weather patterns.

III. Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain one adaptation of desert animals that helps them survive in the extreme conditions.

  2. Describe the importance of deserts in maintaining ecological balance.

  3. How can human activities contribute to the conservation of desert ecosystems?

IV. Application-based Questions (3 marks each)

  1. Case Study: Research and write a short case study (about 100 words) on a successful desert conservation or restoration project. Include the location, the challenges faced, and the measures taken to restore the desert ecosystem.

  2. Role-Play Scenario: Imagine you are a desert plant. Explain how your physical features and adaptations help you survive in the harsh desert environment.

V. Long Answer Question (5 marks)

  1. Discuss the impact of desertification on the environment and human communities. Suggest measures to prevent or mitigate desertification.

VI. Reflection (2 marks)

  1. What did you find most interesting or surprising about the life in deserts? Explain in 2-3 sentences.

Total Marks: _______/30

Note: This worksheet is a sample and should be adjusted based on the specific content covered in your classroom and the level of your students.

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