Chapter –1 The French RevolutionRead More➔

Title: Worksheet – The French Revolution


Read the questions carefully.
Answer the questions concisely and to the point.
Provide relevant examples wherever necessary.
Use complete sentences for descriptive answers.
Make sure to check your answers before submitting the worksheet.
Define the term “The French Revolution.”

List any five main causes of the French Revolution.

Explain the significance of the Estates General in the context of the French Revolution.

What was the impact of the French Revolution on the French society?

Describe the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution. Who was its key figure, and what were its consequences?

How did the French Revolution impact the political landscape of France?

Discuss the role of Napoleon Bonaparte in the French Revolution. What were his contributions and achievements?

Identify and explain any two long-term consequences of the French Revolution on the world.

Analyze the economic factors that contributed to the outbreak of the French Revolution.

How did the French Revolution influence the spread of nationalism in other parts of Europe?

Match the following terms with their descriptions:
A. Guillotine
B. Bastille
C. Robespierre
D. Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
E. Committee of Public Safety

i. A radical leader during the Reign of Terror.
ii. A fortress that was stormed on July 14, 1789, symbolizing the start of the revolution.
iii. A device used for carrying out executions by beheading.
iv. A document that proclaimed the equality and rights of all men.
v. A committee established to deal with internal and external challenges during the revolution.

Compare and contrast the American Revolution and the French Revolution. Highlight the similarities and differences in their causes, goals, and outcomes.

Discuss the role of women in the French Revolution and their contributions to social and political change.

Imagine you are a witness to the storming of the Bastille. Write a diary entry describing the events of that day and your emotions.

In your opinion, what were the most significant long-term effects of the French Revolution on the world?

Answer Key: (The answers may vary depending on the student’s understanding and interpretation of the concepts.)

Please note that this worksheet is for educational purposes only and may need to be adapted or modified based on the specific requirements and guidelines of your school or educational board

Chapter –2 Socialism in Europe and the Russian RevolutionRead More➔

Chapter: 2 – Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution


  1. Read the questions carefully before answering.
  2. Answer each question concisely and to the point.
  3. Allotted marks are mentioned for each question.
  4. Write the answers in the space provided below each question.
  5. The total marks for this worksheet are 20.


  1. Define socialism and explain its main principles. (3 marks)


  1. Identify and describe any three factors that contributed to the rise of socialism in Europe. (3 marks)


  1. Explain the significance of the Russian Revolution in shaping world history. (4 marks)


  1. Match the following:

    a) Karl Marx i) Bolshevik Party b) Vladimir Lenin ii) Communist Manifesto c) The Communist iii) Das Kapital Party of Russia iv) Leader of the Russian Revolution

    (2 marks)

    Answers: a) b) c)

  2. State whether the following statements are true or false. If false, correct the statement.

    a) The Russian Revolution took place in 1917. (1 mark)


    b) The industrial working class played a minimal role in the Russian Revolution. (1 mark)


  3. Explain any two consequences of the Russian Revolution on Russia’s economy. (2 marks)


  1. Analyze the reasons that led to the downfall of the Provisional Government in Russia. (3 marks)


  1. Describe any one socialist idea that inspired people in Europe to demand social and economic changes. (1 mark)


  1. Discuss the impact of the Russian Revolution on the global political scenario. (2 marks)


  1. Short Essay: “Role of Bolshevik Party in the Russian Revolution.” (3 marks)


Note to Teachers: Please ensure that the student’s answers are assessed based on accuracy, relevance, and coherence. Provide constructive feedback to help them understand the concepts better.

 Chapter –3 Nazism and the Rise of HitlerRead More➔


  1. Read the questions carefully and provide concise answers.
  2. Attempt all questions.
  3. Write your answers in the space provided below each question.
  4. Make sure your handwriting is clear and legible.
  5. Use complete sentences while answering the questions.
  6. Review your answers before submitting the worksheet.


  1. Who was Adolf Hitler, and what role did he play in the rise of Nazism in Germany?


  2. What were some of the key factors that contributed to the rise of Nazism in Germany?


  3. Explain the impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany and how it influenced the growth of Nazism.


  4. Briefly describe one major event or policy implemented during the Nazi regime and its consequences.


  5. How did Hitler use propaganda to promote his ideology and gain support?


  6. What were the Nuremberg Laws, and how did they discriminate against the Jewish population?


  7. Describe the significance of the Kristallnacht in the context of Nazi policies towards Jews.


  8. What was the “Final Solution,” and what were its implications?


  9. How did Nazism impact various aspects of German society during Hitler’s rule?


  10. Why is it essential to learn about the rise of Nazism and its consequences in today’s world?


Bonus Question: Discuss one lesson that can be learned from the history of Nazi Germany and its relevance in the present context.


Note: The above worksheet adheres to the standard CBSE pattern, providing concise questions related to the chapter “Nazism and the Rise of Hitler.” Teachers can use this worksheet to assess students’ understanding of the topic and their ability to articulate their knowledge

Chapter –4 Forest Society and ColonialismRead More➔

Worksheet: Forest Society and Colonialism


  1. Read the questions carefully.
  2. Write your answers in the space provided below each question.
  3. Use complete sentences and appropriate terminology.

1. Define colonialism and explain its impact on forest societies during the colonial period.


2. Mention three ways in which the lives of tribal communities were affected by colonial policies in forest regions.


3. Describe two consequences of colonialism on the environment and natural resources in forest societies.


4. Discuss the role of forest societies in the resistance against colonial exploitation. Provide one example to support your answer.


5. In your own words, explain the concept of ‘Deforestation’ and its significance during colonial rule.


6. Analyze the effects of deforestation on the livelihoods of tribal communities.


7. Choose one case study of a forest society during the colonial period and write a brief paragraph describing their culture and way of life before colonial intervention.


8. Research and write about one prominent leader or movement that emerged from forest societies to resist colonial oppression.


9. Identify and explain two long-term consequences of colonialism on forest societies even after gaining independence.


10. Imagine you are a member of a tribal community living in a forest region during the colonial period. Write a letter to a friend in another village, expressing your thoughts and emotions about the changes brought by the colonial rule.


Bonus Question:

11. Find an example of a forest society in a different part of the world that faced similar challenges during the colonial era. Compare and contrast their experiences with the forest societies mentioned in the chapter.


Note: The answers provided by students may vary, and the teacher should encourage critical thinking and detailed explanations while evaluating the responses.

Chapter – 5 Pastoralists in the Modern WorldRead More➔

Chapter: Pastoralists in the Modern World

Name: ______________________ Date: ______________


  1. Read the questions carefully before answering.
  2. Write your answers in the space provided below each question.
  3. Try to be specific and provide relevant examples wherever possible.
  4. This worksheet carries a total of 20 marks.


  1. Define pastoralism and explain its significance in the modern world. (2 marks)


  1. List three challenges faced by pastoralists in adapting to the modern world. (3 marks)


  1. Choose the correct option: In the past, pastoral nomads used to move from one place to another in search of: a) Agricultural land b) Pastures for their animals c) Water for irrigation (1 mark)


  1. Analyze the impact of modernization on the traditional lifestyle of pastoralists. (4 marks)


  1. Match the following: A. Sedentarization 1. Loss of cultural identity B. Globalization 2. Change in the way of life C. Land encroachment 3. Movement of people and goods worldwide D. Loss of traditional skills 4. Occupying pastoral land for other purposes (2 marks)


  1. Explain the concept of “Cultural Diversity” with reference to pastoral communities. (3 marks)


  1. Discuss two potential strategies to support and empower pastoral communities in the face of modernization. (3 marks)


  1. Research and write a short paragraph on a real-life case study of a pastoral community facing challenges due to modernization. (4 marks)


Remember to customize the worksheet based on the level of difficulty, additional instructions, and word limits as per your classroom requirements.

Chapter –1 What is Democracy?Why Democracy?Read More➔

Worksheet: What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

Name: ___________________ Class: 9 Date: __________


  1. Read the questions carefully and write your answers in the spaces provided.
  2. Attempt all questions.
  3. Use complete sentences and provide relevant examples where required.

Section A – Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the form of government in which the power is vested in the hands of the people? a) Monarchy b) Democracy c) Oligarchy d) Autocracy

  2. Which of the following is not a feature of democracy? a) Universal adult suffrage b) Rule of a single leader c) Free and fair elections d) Respect for minority rights

  3. The term “democracy” is derived from which language? a) Greek b) Latin c) Sanskrit d) French

  4. Which of the following principles is a fundamental characteristic of a democratic government? a) Concentration of power in a few hands b) Absence of political parties c) Accountability and transparency d) Rigid social hierarchy

Section B – Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain the meaning of the term “democracy.”

  2. List any two features of democracy and briefly describe their importance.

    i) _____________________________________________________________________

    ii) ____________________________________________________________________

  3. Why is the “rule of law” considered an essential principle of democracy?

Section C – Long Answer Questions (4 marks each)

  1. Describe the role of citizens in a democratic country.

  2. Give an example of a democratic practice from your daily life and explain its significance.

Section D – Application-based Question (6 marks)

  1. Imagine you are a citizen of a democratic country. You have noticed a social issue in your locality that needs attention from the authorities. Describe the steps you will take as a responsible citizen to address the problem and bring about a positive change.

Section E – Research-based Question (6 marks)

  1. Research and gather information about one democratic country of your choice. Prepare a short report that includes the following: a) Name of the country and its location on the world map. b) Type of government and the system of elections in the country. c) Key features of their democratic system. d) Any significant challenges or issues faced by the country in maintaining democracy.


  1. The answer should be written in your own words.
  2. Use separate sheets if required.
  3. The total marks for this worksheet are 40.

Teacher’s Signature: __________________


Chapter: Constitutional Design (Chapter 2)


  • Read the questions carefully.
  • Answer the questions concisely and to the point.
  • Make sure to provide relevant examples and explanations where required.
  • This worksheet carries [X] marks.

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is a constitution? a) A group of laws passed by the government b) A document that sets out the basic principles and framework for governance c) An agreement between two or more countries d) A form of dictatorship

  2. Which of the following is NOT a key feature of a constitution? a) Separation of powers b) Fundamental rights c) Single-party rule d) Federalism

  3. The process of constitution-making in India was led by: a) Mahatma Gandhi b) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar c) Jawaharlal Nehru d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Section B: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Define federalism. Provide an example of a federal country.

  2. Mention any two challenges faced during the constitution-making process in India.

  3. Explain the importance of the Preamble in a constitution.

Section C: Long Answer Questions (5 marks each)

  1. Describe the concept of “Separation of Powers” in a constitutional design. How does it ensure a system of checks and balances in a government?

  2. Compare and contrast a parliamentary form of government and a presidential form of government. Highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

Section D: Application-based Questions (5 marks each)

  1. Read the following situation and answer the questions that follow: “Country X is facing various issues due to its current constitution. As a part of the constitutional review committee, suggest two amendments that could improve the constitution’s functioning.”

  2. Analyze the Preamble of the Indian Constitution and explain how it reflects the ideals of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity.

Section E: Extension Activity (5 marks)

  1. Research and create a chart comparing the constitutions of any two countries. Highlight their similarities and differences in terms of the structure and key features.


  • The answers should be written clearly and neatly.
  • This worksheet carries a total of [X] marks and is to be submitted on [Date].
  • All questions are compulsory.

Chapter –3 Electoral PoliticsRead More➔


  • Read the questions carefully.
  • Answer the questions concisely and to the point.
  • Use complete sentences and proper grammar in your responses.
  • Make use of the knowledge gained from the chapter to answer the questions.

1. Define the term “election” and explain its significance in a democratic society. (3 marks)

2. List the different types of elections that take place in a country. (2 marks)

3. Describe the key steps involved in the electoral process. (4 marks)

4. Identify the following stakeholders and describe their roles in the electoral process: a) Voters (2 marks) b) Election Commission (2 marks) c) Political Parties (2 marks)

5. Choose one case study of an election from a different country and explain its impact on society. (5 marks)

6. Analyze the role of media in electoral politics. How does media influence public opinion during elections? (4 marks)

7. Discuss the importance of voter participation in a democratic election. (3 marks)

8. Describe the significance of conducting free and fair elections in a country. (3 marks)

9. In the context of elections, explain the terms: a) Voter registration (2 marks) b) Polling (2 marks) c) Counting of votes (2 marks)

10. Imagine you are a candidate running for a student council election in your school. Outline the steps you would take to campaign effectively. (4 marks)

11. In your opinion, what measures can be taken to encourage more young people to actively participate in the electoral process? (3 marks)

12. Analyze the impact of elections on the development and stability of a nation. (4 marks)

13. Differentiate between “direct democracy” and “representative democracy.” (3 marks)

14. Identify the challenges faced by the Election Commission in conducting free and fair elections. (4 marks)

15. Explain why it is essential for political parties to have internal elections and promote transparency within their organization. (3 marks)

16. “Elections are the backbone of democracy.” Discuss this statement, providing arguments to support your view. (5 marks)

17. Suppose you are part of the Election Commission. Describe the measures you would take to ensure a smooth electoral process, considering all stakeholders’ concerns. (5 marks)

18. Watch a recent news segment or read an article about a recent election. Summarize the main points and share your reflections on its significance in a democratic society. (4 marks)

19. Research and discuss the impact of social media on modern-day electoral campaigns. (4 marks)

20. Create a flowchart depicting the key steps involved in the electoral process in your country. (5 marks)


  • The total marks for the worksheet are 75.
  • Use examples and real-life scenarios to enhance your answers.
  • Review your responses before submitting the worksheet.

Chapter –4 Working of InstitutionsRead More➔

Title: Worksheet – Working of Institutions


  1. Read the questions carefully.
  2. Answer the questions concisely and to the point.
  3. Allot appropriate time to each question.
  4. Use examples and relevant information to support your answers.
  5. Write neatly and legibly.

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

  1. Which of the following is an example of a social institution? a) Supermarket b) Bank c) Library d) All of the above

  2. The primary function of the government institution is to: a) Provide healthcare services b) Maintain law and order c) Offer educational programs d) None of the above

  3. What is the importance of institutions in society? a) To promote individualism b) To maintain social order c) To discourage economic growth d) To encourage conflicts

Section B: Short Answer Questions

  1. Describe any two roles of educational institutions in society.

  2. Explain the interdependence between government and economic institutions.

  3. Discuss the challenges faced by healthcare institutions in your country.

Section C: True or False

  1. The role of institutions is limited to the economic development of a country. (True/False)

  2. All institutions work independently and do not require cooperation from other institutions. (True/False)

Section D: Long Answer Questions

  1. Imagine you are a member of a local community. Describe how religious institutions play a significant role in shaping the values and beliefs of people in your community.

  2. Choose any two institutions and compare their roles and functions in society. Discuss how they contribute to the overall development and well-being of individuals.

Section E: Case Study

  1. Read the following scenario and answer the questions: Scenario: A community is facing an issue of pollution caused by nearby industries. The residents are concerned about their health and the environment. The local government has not taken any significant action to address the problem.

    a) Identify the institutions involved in this scenario.

    b) Explain how these institutions are interdependent in finding a solution to the pollution problem.

    c) Propose two measures that these institutions can take to address the issue effectively.

Answer Key: Section A:

  1. d) All of the above
  2. b) Maintain law and order
  3. b) To maintain social order

Section B: 4. (Answers may vary) Educational institutions play a crucial role in imparting knowledge and skills to students, preparing them for future careers, and promoting social values and ethical principles in society.

  1. (Answers may vary) Government institutions create policies and regulations that shape the economic landscape, while economic institutions generate resources and contribute to the nation’s economic growth.

  2. (Answers may vary) Healthcare institutions face challenges like inadequate funding, staff shortages, and increasing demand for services, leading to difficulties in providing quality healthcare to all citizens.

Section C: 7. False

  1. False

Section D: 9. (Answers may vary) Religious institutions, such as temples, churches, or mosques, serve as places of worship and provide moral guidance, fostering a sense of community and promoting values like compassion and empathy.

  1. (Answers may vary) Compare and contrast two institutions, like education and healthcare, highlighting their unique roles and contributions to society’s overall development.

Section E: 11. a) Institutions involved: Local Government, Environmental Protection Agency, Industries. b) The local government can implement regulations, while the Environmental Protection Agency can monitor pollution levels. The industries need to adopt environmentally friendly practices. c) Encourage industries to use clean technologies, and conduct awareness campaigns about pollution control for the community.

Chapter –5 Democratic RightsRead More➔

Worksheet: Democratic Rights – Class 9 Social Science


  1. Read the questions carefully.
  2. Answer the questions concisely and to the point.
  3. Use complete sentences wherever required.
  4. Allocate appropriate time to each question.
  5. This worksheet carries a total of 20 marks.

1. Define Democratic Rights. (1 mark)

2. State the significance of democratic rights in a democratic society. (2 marks)

3. Identify and explain any three fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution. (3 marks)

4. Read the following scenario and answer the questions below:

Scenario: In a democratic country, a group of citizens organized a peaceful protest to demand better environmental policies from the government. However, the government restricted their right to protest, citing potential disruption of public order.

a) Which democratic right is being violated in this scenario? (1 mark)

b) Explain the importance of this right in a democratic society. (2 marks)

c) Discuss the implications of the government’s decision to restrict the right to protest. (2 marks)

5. Choose the correct option: (1 mark each)

a) The fundamental rights are mentioned in which part of the Indian Constitution? i) Part II ii) Part IV iii) Part III iv) Part I

b) Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and expression? i) Article 19 ii) Article 21 iii) Article 15 iv) Article 29

c) Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article 32) empowers individuals to approach the Supreme Court for the enforcement of fundamental rights. This right is also known as: i) Right to Equality ii) Right to Freedom iii) Right to Constitutional Relief iv) Right to Education

6. Discuss the importance of the Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article 32) in protecting citizens’ rights. (3 marks)

7. Analyze the following statement: “In a democratic society, the rights of an individual should never supersede the needs of the community.” Do you agree or disagree? Provide reasons to support your answer. (3 marks)

8. Research Activity: (4 marks)

Choose any one real-life example of democratic rights violation from recent news or historical incidents. Conduct research and write a brief report (100-150 words) on the incident. Include the following points:

  • Description of the incident
  • Fundamental right(s) violated
  • Impact on individuals and society

Note: Submit the completed worksheet within the given deadline.

Chapter –1 The Story of Village PalampurRead More➔

Name: ______________________ Class: __________ Date: __________


  1. Read the questions carefully before attempting to answer.
  2. Answer the questions in the space provided.
  3. Write legibly and avoid spelling mistakes.

I. Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. Which chapter of Social Science discusses “The Story of Village Palampur”? a) Chapter 2 – Understanding Economic Development b) Chapter 4 – Climate c) Chapter 1 – The Story of Village Palampur d) Chapter 5 – Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

  2. What are the main economic activities of the people in Palampur village? a) Fishing and mining b) Farming, dairy, and small-scale manufacturing c) Tourism and hospitality d) Construction and transportation

  3. Which of the following is NOT a factor of production in Palampur village? a) Land b) Labor c) Capital d) Weather

  4. What is the primary source of irrigation in Palampur? a) Canals b) Tube wells c) Ponds d) Rivers

II. Short Answer Questions:

  1. Explain the importance of multiple cropping in agriculture.

  2. Name two non-farm activities that are practiced in Palampur village.

  3. What role do the ‘farmers’ and ‘farm laborers’ play in the village’s economy?

III. Long Answer Question:

  1. Describe the factors that have contributed to the development of transportation in Palampur village.

IV. Case Study:

Read the following scenario and answer the questions below.

Scenario: Due to a decline in agricultural production, some farmers in Palampur village have decided to switch to dairy farming. They are facing challenges in setting up the dairy farm and marketing the milk.

  1. Suggest two advantages of dairy farming over traditional agriculture in Palampur.

  2. What infrastructural facilities would the farmers require to develop a successful dairy farm?

V. Project:

  1. Research and create a poster or presentation highlighting the economic activities in Palampur village and the factors contributing to its development.

Evaluation: Correct Answers: _____/10 Remarks: _______________________________________________________

Note: This worksheet is designed as per the CBSE pattern and aims to assess students’ understanding of the chapter “The Story of Village Palampur.”

 Chapter –2 People as ResourceRead More➔

Title: People as Resource – Worksheet


  1. Read the questions carefully before answering.

  2. Write your answers in the space provided.

  3. Attempt all questions.

  4. Write neatly and legibly.

  5. Define the term “human resources” and explain its significance in the context of economic development.


  1. Differentiate between skilled and unskilled labor. Give one example of each.

Answer: Skilled Labor: ________________________________________________________________ Example: ________________________________________________________________

Unskilled Labor: ______________________________________________________________ Example: ________________________________________________________________

  1. Imagine you are a social worker in a rural area. How would you promote education among the local community? List any three strategies.

Answer: a) ________________________________________________________________________ b) ________________________________________________________________________ c) ________________________________________________________________________

  1. Research and find out the literacy rate and life expectancy of a developing country. Discuss how these factors can impact its human resource development.

Answer: Country: _________________________________________________________________ Literacy Rate: ____________________________________________________________ Life Expectancy: __________________________________________________________ Impact on Human Resource Development:

  1. Analyze the role of healthcare in the development of human resources. How can access to healthcare facilities improve the overall productivity of a nation?


  1. In a country, there is a shortage of skilled workers in the technology sector. As a policymaker, what measures would you suggest to address this issue? Provide at least two suggestions.

Answer: a) ________________________________________________________________________ b) ________________________________________________________________________

  1. Working in groups, create a poster promoting the importance of investing in education and healthcare for the development of human resources. Draw or print your poster on a separate sheet.
[Note: Use the back of this sheet for the poster or attach a separate sheet.]

Answer (Poster):

  1. Briefly explain the concept of ‘Brain Drain’ and its impact on the country of origin.


  1. Write True (T) or False (F) for the following statements: a) Skilled labor refers to workers who have specialized training or expertise. [ ] b) Brain Drain can lead to a shortage of skilled professionals in a country. [ ] c) Human resources are not essential for economic development. [ ]

Answer: a) ______ b) ______ c) ______

  1. Describe one way in which the government can encourage individuals to pursue higher education and enhance human resource development.


Note: This worksheet is a representation of the types of questions that could be included in a CBSE-pattern worksheet for the chapter “People as Resource” in Class 9 Social Science. Actual worksheets used in schools may vary and may include additional sections such as Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Long Answer Questions (LAQs).

Chapter –3 Poverty as a ChallengeRead More➔

Worksheet: Poverty as a Challenge

Name: ________________________ Class: ____ Date: __________

Instructions: Answer the following questions.

A. Multiple Choice Questions: (1 mark each)

  1. Poverty refers to: a) Lack of money only b) Lack of basic needs and resources c) Lack of education d) Lack of employment

  2. Which of the following is a dimension of poverty? a) Lack of entertainment b) Lack of clean water c) Lack of technology d) Lack of transportation

  3. Poverty can lead to: a) Better health b) Social inclusion c) Malnutrition d) Access to quality education

  4. Which of the following is not a cause of poverty? a) Unequal distribution of resources b) Lack of education c) Social harmony d) Unemployment

B. Short Answer Questions: (2 marks each)

  1. Explain the concept of ‘Human Poverty Index’ (HPI).

  2. List any two measures that can help in reducing rural poverty.

  3. How does poverty affect children’s access to education?

  4. Describe any two consequences of poverty on the overall development of a country.

C. Long Answer Questions: (5 marks each)

  1. Discuss the different dimensions of poverty with suitable examples.

  2. Analyze the role of unemployment as a major cause of poverty in developing countries.

  3. Imagine you are a policymaker. Propose three innovative measures to alleviate poverty in urban areas.

D. Case Study: (5 marks)

Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow:

Case Study: Rani’s Struggle

Rani, a 12-year-old girl, lives in a slum area. Her parents work as daily wage laborers and struggle to make ends meet. Rani often misses school as she has to take care of her younger siblings and help her parents earn some extra income.

  1. Identify and explain two factors contributing to Rani’s poverty.

  2. How might Rani’s limited access to education affect her future?

  3. Suggest two ways in which Rani’s situation can be improved to break the cycle of poverty.

E. Project: (10 marks)

Choose one of the following options:

Option 1: Research and create a poster showcasing successful poverty alleviation programs implemented in India. Provide details about the program’s objectives, implementation, and impact.

Option 2: Write a short essay (300-400 words) on the role of education in breaking the cycle of poverty.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Complete the worksheet individually.
  • Use full sentences and proper grammar.
  • Write neatly and legibly.
  • Complete the project, if chosen, on a separate sheet.

Note: This worksheet is for practice purposes only.

Remember to tailor the worksheet and its content according to your class’s specific needs and the resources available.

 Chapter –4 Food Security in IndiaRead More➔

Worksheet: Food Security in India

Name:____________________ Class:____________ Date:____________

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What does the term “food security” refer to? a) Having an excess of food b) Having a variety of food c) Having access to safe and nutritious food d) Having access to luxury foods

  2. Which of the following is a consequence of food insecurity? a) Improved health and nutrition b) Poverty reduction c) Malnutrition and poor health d) Increased economic growth

  3. The National Food Security Act (NFSA) was enacted in India in which year? a) 2005 b) 2010 c) 2013 d) 2015

  4. Which government scheme provides subsidized food and essential commodities to the poor? a) Mid-Day Meal Scheme b) Make in India Scheme c) Swachh Bharat Abhiyan d) Public Distribution System (PDS)

Section B: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Define food security. Why is it important for a country?

  2. Explain two causes of food insecurity in India.

  3. Briefly describe any two objectives of the National Food Security Act (NFSA).

  4. What is the Public Distribution System (PDS)? How does it help in ensuring food security?

Section C: Long Answer Questions (4 marks each)

  1. Imagine you are a government official responsible for ensuring food security. Describe three measures you would take to improve food security in a region facing food insecurity.

  2. Analyze the role of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme in promoting food security and education in India. Mention its benefits and challenges.

Section D: Case Study (6 marks)

Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow:

Case Study: In a remote village of India, many families are struggling to access enough food due to poor agricultural practices and lack of proper storage facilities. As a result, malnutrition is widespread among children and adults.

  1. Identify two reasons for food insecurity in the village.

  2. Suggest three steps that the local government can take to address the issue of food insecurity in the village.

Note: Answer all questions. Write your answers neatly and legibly. Stick to the word limit where indicated.

Total Marks: ________

This worksheet is a sample and can be adapted according to your needs. Make sure to provide enough space for students to write their answers.

 Chapter –1 India- Size and LocationRead More➔

Worksheet: India – Size and Location

Name: ________________________ Class: 9 Date: ______________


  1. Read the questions carefully.
  2. Write your answers in the spaces provided.
  3. Try to be concise and accurate in your responses.
  4. Use the map provided to help you answer the questions.
  5. This worksheet carries 20 marks.

A. Location of India (2 marks)

  1. Mark the following on the map: a. India b. Arabian Sea c. Bay of Bengal d. Himalayan Mountain Range

B. Neighboring Countries (3 marks)

  1. Name the neighboring countries of India.

  2. Match the countries to their respective directions on the map: a. China – ______________ b. Pakistan – ______________ c. Bangladesh – ______________ d. Nepal – ______________ e. Bhutan – ______________ f. Myanmar – ______________ g. Sri Lanka – ______________

C. Short Answer Questions (5 marks)

  1. Explain the significance of India’s location in terms of trade.

  2. How does the Himalayan mountain range contribute to India’s geographical diversity?

  3. Discuss the importance of India’s coastal areas.

D. True or False (3 marks)

  1. India is the largest country in the world. True / False

  2. The Bay of Bengal is located on the western coast of India. True / False

  3. The Arabian Sea borders India to the west. True / False

E. Fill in the Blanks (3 marks)

  1. The southernmost point of India is ______________.

  2. The northeastern states of India share their borders with ______________.

  3. The ______________ Ocean is to the south of India.

F. Descriptive Questions (4 marks)

  1. Describe the location of India in relation to its neighboring countries.

  2. Discuss how India’s geographical features have influenced its cultural diversity.

G. Map Reading (Bonus Question: 3 marks)

  1. On the map provided, mark and label the major cities: Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai.


  • Maximum marks: 20
  • Time allowed: 60 minutes

Remember to review your answers before submitting the worksheet. Good luck!

Please note that the map, which is an essential component of the worksheet, cannot be provided in this text-based format. You may need to create or source a map for the students to use while completing the worksheet.


 Subject: Social Science
Class: 9
Chapter: Physical Features of India

– Read the questions carefully before answering.
– Attempt all questions.
– Write your answers in the spaces provided.


Name: ___________________________ Roll No: ______ Date: ______

1. Match the following:
Column A Column B
_________ | _________
a. Himalayas | i. Longest coastline
b. Western Ghats | ii. Highest mountain range
c. Ganges Plain | iii. Dissected Plateau
d. Eastern Coast | iv. Rainforests and Biodiversity hotspot

2. Label the following physical features on the map of India:
a. Himalayan Mountains
b. Western Ghats
c. Indo-Gangetic Plains
d. Eastern Coastal Plains

3. Explain the significance of the Himalayan Mountains in India. (Minimum 50 words)

4. How do the Western Ghats contribute to the climate of the southwestern region of India? (Minimum 40 words)

5. Describe the characteristics of the Peninsular Plateau and its impact on the agriculture of India. (Minimum 60 words)

6. Name two major rivers that flow through the Ganges Plain. Explain the importance of these rivers in the region’s agriculture and economy. (Minimum 50 words)

7. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’:
a. The Himalayas act as a barrier against the cold winds from Central Asia.
b. The Western Ghats are higher and continuous compared to the Eastern Ghats.
c. The Deccan Plateau is characterized by fertile alluvial soil.
d. The Eastern Coastal Plains are wider than the Western Coastal Plains.

8. Explain the term ‘Biodiversity hotspot’ and identify one region in India that is a biodiversity hotspot due to its physical features. (Minimum 40 words)

9. Imagine you are a farmer living in the Indo-Gangetic Plains. Describe how the physical features of the region have influenced your life and occupation. (Minimum 60 words)

10. Look at the map below and answer the questions:

[Map of India highlighting major physical features]

a. Identify the physical feature labeled as ‘A’.
b. Which region of India is characterized by this physical feature?
c. How does this feature affect the climate of the region?


Note: This is a sample worksheet. The actual worksheet may vary based on the specific requirements of the school and the CBSE guidelines.

 Chapter –3 DRAINAGERead More➔


Name: ______________________ Date: ______________

1. Answer all the questions.
2. Write your answers in the space provided.
3. Read the questions carefully before answering.


1. Define the term “drainage” and explain its significance in geography.

Your Answer: _____________________________

2. Name five different types of drainage patterns. Choose any one pattern and describe its characteristics.

Types of Drainage Patterns:
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________
4. ___________________________
5. ___________________________

Chosen Pattern: ________________________
Characteristics: _______________________

3. Explain how the dendritic drainage pattern forms and provide an example of an area where this pattern is commonly found.

Your Answer: _____________________________

4. Analyze the impact of radial drainage patterns on the landscape. How is it different from the dendritic pattern?

Your Answer: _____________________________

5. Imagine you are studying a region with a trellis drainage pattern. Draw a simple diagram representing this pattern and label its key features.

(You can draw the diagram below this question)

6. Briefly describe the relationship between drainage patterns and the physical landscape of a region.

Your Answer: _____________________________

7. Research and write a short paragraph (about 50 words)

Chapter –4 CLIMATERead More➔

nstructions: Answer the following questions briefly and accurately.

Objective 1: Define climate and its components.

  1. Define climate.

  2. List the main components of climate.

Objective 2: Identify the factors influencing climate.

  1. Explain how latitude affects climate.

  2. How do ocean currents influence climate in coastal areas?

Objective 3: Analyze the impact of climate on human activities and the environment.

  1. Give an example of how climate influences agriculture.

  2. How does climate contribute to the occurrence of natural disasters like hurricanes or typhoons?

Objective 4: Describe the climate zones of the world.

  1. Name the major climate zones of the world.

  2. Explain the characteristics of the tropical climate zone.

Objective 5: Understand the importance of climate in shaping different regions.

  1. How does climate influence the clothing choices of people in cold climate regions?

  2. Describe how climate can impact the architecture of buildings in hot and dry climate areas.

Map Activity: Identify the Climate Zones

  1. On the map provided, label and color the following climate zones: a) Tropical b) Temperate c) Polar

Short Answer:

  1. What role does altitude play in determining climate?

  2. How does proximity to water bodies affect the climate of a region?

Critical Thinking:

  1. Imagine you are a farmer. How would you adapt your agricultural practices to the climate of a tropical region?

  2. Discuss the potential consequences of rising global temperatures on coastal cities.

Class Discussion:

  1. In your opinion, which factor do you think has the most significant impact on climate: latitude or altitude? Explain your reasoning.

  2. How does understanding climate help us make informed decisions about urban planning and disaster preparedness?


Reflect on what you have learned in this chapter about climate and its influence on different aspects of human life and the environment.


  • This worksheet is designed according to the CBSE pattern for Class 9 Social Science.
  • Answer the questions based on your understanding of the chapter.
  • You may refer to your textbook or notes for assistance.


Worksheet: Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Name: ______________________ Class: ____ Date: _______________


  • Answer all the questions.
  • All questions are compulsory.
  • Read the questions carefully before answering.

A. Multiple Choice Questions: Choose the correct option for each question. (1 mark each)

  1. Which of the following factors primarily influences the distribution of natural vegetation and wildlife? a) Population density b) Economic development c) Climate and topography d) Political boundaries

  2. Which type of vegetation is well-suited to the tropical rainforest regions? a) Coniferous forests b) Grasslands c) Mangrove forests d) Tundra vegetation

  3. The one-horned rhinoceros is commonly found in: a) Amazon rainforest b) African savannah c) Indian grasslands d) Kaziranga National Park

B. Fill in the Blanks: Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (1 mark each)

  1. The natural vegetation and wildlife in an area are influenced by its _______________ and _______________.

  2. The _______________ is the natural habitat of polar bears, mosses, and lichens.

  3. The type of vegetation that can survive in extreme cold conditions is called _______________.

C. True or False: Write ‘True’ if the statement is correct, and ‘False’ if it is incorrect. (1 mark each)

  1. True/False: Grasslands are characterized by tall, closely packed trees.

  2. True/False: Biodiversity refers to the variety of plant and animal species present in a particular habitat.

  3. True/False: Natural vegetation has no impact on the environment and human life.

D. Short Answer Questions: Answer the following questions briefly. (2 marks each)

  1. Describe how climate and topography affect the distribution of natural vegetation.

  2. Why is the conservation of natural vegetation and wildlife important for maintaining ecological balance?

E. Long Answer Question: Answer the following question in about 100-150 words. (4 marks)

  1. Explain the concept of biodiversity and its significance in the context of natural vegetation and wildlife.

F. Project: Choose any one of the following projects and submit it on the specified date. (5 marks)

a) Create a poster illustrating different types of natural vegetation and wildlife found in different regions of the world.

b) Write a short essay on the role of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in the conservation of natural vegetation and wildlife.

Note: This worksheet is intended as a sample and should be adapted according to your classroom needs and the specific curriculum requirements of your school.

Chapter –6 POPULATIONRead More➔

Worksheet: Population – Chapter 6

Name: _______________________________ Class: 9 Date: _______________

Objective: To assess students’ understanding of the concepts related to population, its factors, and their impact on society and the environment.


  • Answer all questions.
  • Write your answers neatly and legibly.
  • Marks will be awarded for correct and relevant information.

A. Multiple Choice Questions: (1 mark each)

  1. What is the term for the number of people living in a particular area? a) Density b) Demography c) Population d) Migration

  2. Which of the following factors affects population distribution? a) Climate b) Currency c) Cuisine d) Culture

  3. The average number of children born to women in a population during their reproductive years is known as: a) Birth Rate b) Death Rate c) Fertility Rate d) Migration Rate

B. Fill in the Blanks: (1 mark each)

  1. The study of population is known as ___________.
  2. ___________ is the movement of people from one place to another.
  3. The difference between birth rate and death rate is called ___________.

C. Short Answer Questions: (2 marks each)

  1. Explain the term “overpopulation” and its impact on resources and the environment.

  2. List any four factors that influence population distribution.

D. Long Answer Question: (5 marks)

  1. Analyze the relationship between population growth and economic development. How can a rapidly growing population impact a country’s economy positively and negatively?

E. Case Study: (5 marks)

  1. Read the following scenario and answer the questions:

    In a rural village, the birth rate is high, but the healthcare facilities are inadequate. As a result, the infant mortality rate is also high. Discuss the potential consequences of this situation on the village’s population and overall development.

F. Application-based Question: (3 marks)

  1. Imagine you are a town planner. Design a plan to address the challenges of urbanization in a growing city. Include strategies to ensure sustainable development and a better quality of life for the residents.

G. Map Skills: (3 marks)

  1. On the given outline map of your country, mark and label any three densely populated regions and any two sparsely populated regions.
[Outline map of the country will be provided.]

H. Project: (10 marks)

  1. Select a country with a high population density and prepare a presentation on the factors contributing to this high population density. Include statistical data, graphs, and maps to support your presentation.

Total Marks: ________

Teacher’s Remarks: _________________________________________________________________

Note: The above worksheet is just a sample, and you can modify the questions and format as per your classroom requirements and the specific guidelines of your school or education board.

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