
Chapter 1: The Best Christmas Present in the WorldRead More➔

Worksheet: Exploring the Historical Context of “The Best Christmas Present in the World”


  1. Read the questions carefully.
  2. Refer to the story “The Best Christmas Present in the World” to answer the questions.
  3. Write your answers in the space provided.

Name:_________________ Class:__________ Date:__________

A. Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. What is the title of the story? a) The Best Gift Ever b) The Greatest Christmas c) The Best Christmas Present in the World d) The Perfect Holiday

  2. In which war is the story set? a) World War I b) World War II c) The Civil War d) The Revolutionary War

  3. Where does the protagonist find the Christmas card? a) In an old book b) Under the tree c) In the attic d) In the mailbox

B. True or False:

  1. The story is set during a time of war. (True / False)

  2. The protagonist’s wife wrote the Christmas card. (True / False)

  3. The protagonist meets the soldier mentioned in the card. (True / False)

C. Short Answer Questions:

  1. Explain the historical context of the story. How does the war impact the characters in the story?

  2. What is the significance of the Christmas card in the story?

  3. How does the protagonist feel after reading the Christmas card?

D. Creative Thinking:

  1. Imagine you are the soldier who wrote the Christmas card. Write a letter to the protagonist describing your experiences during the war and why you wrote the card.

E. Visual Representation:

Draw a picture representing a scene from the story that you found particularly meaningful.

F. Reflection:

Write a short paragraph about what you learned from this story and how it has impacted your understanding of history and human connections.

Remember to format this worksheet appropriately according to CBSE guidelines. Add your school’s name, logo, and any other necessary details. If you need further customization or specific formatting, please let me know!

Poem: The Ant and the CricketRead More➔

Worksheet: The Ant and the Cricket

Name: ____________________ Class: 8 Date: ___________


  1. Read the poem “The Ant and the Cricket” carefully.
  2. Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the poem.
  3. Use complete sentences and proper grammar.


1. What is the central message or moral lesson of the poem?

2. Identify two poetic devices used in the poem. Explain how they contribute to the poem’s meaning.

a) Poetic Device: _________________ Explanation: _____________________________________________________________

b) Poetic Device: _________________ Explanation: _____________________________________________________________

3. Choose one stanza from the poem. Write it down and explain its meaning in your own words.

Stanza: _______________________________________________________________________

Explanation: ________________________________________________________________

4. Why do you think the poet chose to use an ant and a cricket as characters in this poem?

5. Imagine you are the ant in the poem. Write a diary entry expressing your feelings and thoughts about the cricket’s behavior.

6. In your opinion, why is it important for individuals to be prepared and work hard for their future? Provide an example from your own life.

7. Connect the poem’s message to a real-life situation. Describe a scenario where someone’s lack of preparation led to difficulties or challenges.

8. Draw a picture that represents the central message of the poem. Add a caption explaining your drawing.

[Drawing Space]

Caption: ______________________________________________________________________

Please remember to adjust the formatting, font, and layout as per your specific requirements. Additionally, ensure that the questions align with the specific learning objectives and content covered in your class.

Chapter 2: The TsunamiRead More➔

Class 8 – English

Chapter 2: The Tsunami

Name: _______________________________

Date: ________________________________


  1. Read the questions carefully.
  2. Answer the questions in complete sentences.
  3. Use proper grammar and punctuation.

Section A: Vocabulary

  1. Define the following terms related to tsunamis:

    a) Tsunami:

    b) Seismometer:

    c) Evacuation:

Section B: Understanding the Text

  1. What are the main causes of tsunamis?

  2. Explain two effects of a tsunami on coastal areas.

  3. Why is it important to have an early warning system for tsunamis?

Section C: Personal Accounts

Read the following personal account and answer the questions:

Excerpt from a survivor’s account:

“I was at the beach with my family when suddenly the sea started to recede. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. I knew something was wrong. I shouted to my family to run towards higher ground. Just moments later, a massive wave crashed onto the shore, sweeping away everything in its path.”

  1. What was the survivor’s initial reaction when they saw the sea receding?

  2. Why did the survivor shout to their family?

  3. Describe what happened after the survivor shouted to their family.

Section D: Critical Thinking

  1. Imagine you are in a coastal area and you receive an early warning about a possible tsunami. What steps would you take to ensure your safety and the safety of your family?

  2. Why is it important for communities to have a disaster preparedness plan in place?

Section E: Reflection

  1. Write a short paragraph reflecting on the importance of being informed and prepared for natural disasters like tsunamis.

This worksheet is designed to assess students’ understanding of the chapter “The Tsunami” in terms of vocabulary, comprehension, critical thinking, and reflection. Feel free to adjust or add questions based on specific learning objectives or topics covered in the chapter.

Poem: Geography LessonRead More➔

Worksheet: Geography Lesson

Name: __________________________ Class: ________ Date: ________

Instructions: Read the poem “Geography Lesson” by Zulfikar Ghose and answer the following questions.


  1. What is the title of the poem?

  2. Who is the poet of this poem?

  3. Write down three unfamiliar words or phrases from the poem. Look up their meanings.

    a. _______________ Meaning: _______________

    b. _______________ Meaning: _______________

    c. _______________ Meaning: _______________

  4. Identify and write down one simile and one metaphor from the poem.

    Simile: ____________________________________________________________

    Metaphor: __________________________________________________________

  5. What are some of the themes explored in the poem? List at least two.

    a. ________________________________________________________________

    b. ________________________________________________________________

  6. Explain in your own words what the poem is about. (Minimum 3 sentences)

  7. Choose one theme from the poem (e.g., nature, identity, human connection) and write a short paragraph discussing how it is depicted in the poem. Provide specific examples from the text.

  8. Imagine you are the poet. Write a stanza inspired by the themes explored in “Geography Lesson.”

Feel free to customize this worksheet further based on your specific preferences or the needs of your students. You can add more questions, change the formatting, or include additional activities to suit your teaching style and the requirements of the class.

Chapter 3: Glimpses of the PastRead More➔

Worksheet: Glimpses of the Past – Chapter 3

Name:_________________ Class: VIII Date: ____________


  1. Read the questions carefully before attempting.
  2. Answer in complete sentences.
  3. Use the information from Chapter 3: Glimpses of the Past to answer the questions.

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions

  1. What is the main focus of Chapter 3 in your textbook? a) Modern History b) Glimpses of the Past c) Ancient Civilizations d) None of the above

  2. Which historical events are discussed in this chapter? a) World War II b) The French Revolution c) Ancient India d) Both a and b

  3. Why is it important to study historical events? a) They are entertaining b) They shape the present and future c) They have no relevance today d) None of the above

Section B: Short Answer Questions

  1. Name one significant event discussed in this chapter and explain its importance.

  2. How do historical events influence the present society?

Section C: True or False

  1. The French Revolution is one of the historical events discussed in this chapter. (True/False)

  2. Studying history is only relevant for historians. (True/False)

Section D: Fill in the Blanks

  1. The ___________ was a major conflict that took place in the 20th century.

  2. Understanding history helps us make _________ decisions for the future.

Section E: Essay Question (Optional)

  1. Choose one historical event from the chapter and write a short essay (about 150-200 words) explaining its impact on society and why it is significant.

Note: Feel free to adjust the difficulty level and content of the questions as per your preference and the level of the students. Additionally, you can add more sections or questions if needed.

Chapter 4: Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of MemoryRead More➔

Class: 8th
Subject: English
Chapter: Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory


Name: __________________
Roll No: ________
Date: ________


  1. Read the questions carefully.
  2. Answer in complete sentences.
  3. Use your best handwriting.

Part A: Comprehension (10 marks)

  1. What is the title of the chapter?

  2. Who is the author of the story “Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory”?

  3. Briefly describe the main character, Bepin Choudhury. What kind of person is he?

  4. What led to Bepin Choudhury’s “lapse of memory”? Explain the incident.

  5. What were the consequences of Bepin Choudhury’s actions? How did this affect his life?

Part B: Vocabulary (5 marks)

  1. Choose the correct synonym for the word “grateful”: a) thankful b) upset c) angry d) sad

  2. Define the word “lapse” in your own words.

  3. Use the word “miser” in a sentence of your own.

Part C: Critical Thinking (10 marks)

  1. Do you think Bepin Choudhury was right in his actions? Why or why not? Explain your opinion.

  2. If you were in Bepin Choudhury’s place, how would you have acted differently in the given situation?

  3. What lesson or moral message can you draw from the story “Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory”?

Part D: Creative Writing (10 marks)

  1. Write an alternate ending to the story “Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory.” In your ending, explain what Bepin Choudhury does differently and how it affects his life. Be creative!


  • Total Marks: _____ / 35
  • Grade: _____ (Based on your total marks)

Teacher’s Comments:

Please note that this is a sample worksheet, and actual worksheets may vary. The number of questions, marks, and format can differ based on the specific guidelines provided by your school and teacher.

Poem: The Last BargainRead More➔

Worksheet: “The Last Bargain” by Rabindranath Tagore

Name: ___________________________________ Class: ________________ Date: ___________

Instructions: Answer the following questions and complete the tasks based on your understanding of the poem “The Last Bargain.”

I. Multiple Choice Questions: Choose the correct option for each question.

  1. What is the central theme of the poem? a) Love b) Freedom c) Life and Death d) Bargaining

  2. Who is the speaker in the poem? a) A beggar b) A king c) A farmer d) A trader

  3. What does the speaker initially request in the poem? a) Money b) Food c) Shelter d) Freedom

  4. Which literary device is used in the line, “A price for a heart?” a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Personification d) Alliteration

II. Short Answer Questions: 5. Explain the meaning of the line, “No price for a heart.”

  1. Identify and explain one literary device used in the poem.

III. Discussion Questions: 7. What do you think the poem means when it says, “Give me the price of a price”?

  1. How does the poem explore the idea of the value of human life?

IV. Creative Writing: 9. Imagine you are the poet, Rabindranath Tagore, and you’re writing a diary entry about the inspiration behind “The Last Bargain.” Write a short diary entry (100-150 words) expressing your thoughts and feelings.

V. Reflect and Respond: 10. In a few sentences, share your personal interpretation of the poem. How does it make you feel, and what messages or themes do you take away from it?


  1. c) Life and Death
  2. a) A beggar
  3. b) Food
  4. b) Metaphor

Note: Teachers should review and provide feedback on the completed worksheets, and encourage classroom discussions to further enhance students’ comprehension of the poem. 

Chapter 5: The Summit WithinRead More➔

Worksheet: Exploring Inner Strength – The Summit Within

Instructions: Read the questions carefully and provide the most appropriate answers.

Name: ______________________ Class: ______ Date: _______

Part A: Multiple Choice Questions

  1. What is the central theme of the chapter “The Summit Within”?

    a) The power of teamwork
    b) Overcoming personal challenges
    c) Exploring a mountain
    d) None of the above

  2. How does the main character in the chapter demonstrate inner strength?

    a) By giving up easily
    b) By facing challenges with determination
    c) By avoiding difficulties
    d) By seeking help from others

  3. What is the moral lesson conveyed by the chapter?

    a) Never trust anyone
    b) Never give up, no matter the odds
    c) Always rely on others for help
    d) None of the above

Part B: Short Answer Questions

  1. Briefly describe a challenging situation faced by the main character in the chapter.

  2. How does the main character overcome the challenges he faces?

  3. Choose one character from the chapter (other than the main character) and describe their role in the story.

    Character’s Name: ______________________

    Role in the Story: _____________________________________________________

Part C: Reflective Writing

  1. Think about a time in your own life when you had to summon inner strength to overcome a difficulty. Describe the situation and how you handled it.

  2. How can the message of inner strength and resilience from this chapter be applied to your own life?

Please note that you may need to adjust the difficulty level or format of the questions based on the specific needs and abilities of your Class 8 students. Additionally, ensure that the content aligns with the CBSE curriculum and the specific details of Chapter 5.

Poem: The School BoyRead More➔

Worksheet Title: Exploring “The School Boy” by William Blake

Instructions: Read the poem “The School Boy” by William Blake and answer the following questions.

  1. Theme Identification:

    • Identify and write down two major themes present in the poem.

  2. Literary Devices:

    • Identify and explain one example of a literary device used in the poem. (e.g., simile, metaphor, personification, rhyme scheme)

    Literary Device: ___________________________

    Example from the poem: ___________________________

    Explanation: ___________________________________________________________

  3. Comprehension Questions:

    • Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the poem.

    a) What does the poem suggest about the conflict between education and freedom?

    b) How does the poet use nature to convey his message?

    c) What do you think the speaker means by “How can the bird that is born for joy / Sit in a cage and sing?” (lines 7-8)?

  4. Interpretation:

    • What do you think the poem’s message or lesson is? Explain in your own words.

  5. Creative Response:

    • Write a short poem (4-6 lines) or draw a picture that represents the theme of freedom and nature in the poem.

Extension (Optional): Explore a natural setting in your surroundings (e.g., a park, a garden) and write a brief description of how it reflects the themes discussed in the poem.

Remember, you can format this content using a word processor or any online worksheet generator tool to make it visually appealing. This worksheet is designed to assess comprehension, interpretation, and creative thinking skills based on the poem “The School Boy” by William Blake.

Chapter 6: This is Jody’s FawnRead More➔

Class 8 – English Worksheet

Chapter: This is Jody’s Fawn

Name: _________________ Date: _________________ Roll No: _______________

I. Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. Who is the main character in the story “This is Jody’s Fawn”? a) Jody b) Penny c) Fodder-wing d) Mill-wheel

  2. What kind of animal is the fawn that Jody finds? a) A baby deer b) A baby fox c) A baby rabbit d) A baby bear

  3. Where does Jody find the fawn? a) In a pet store b) In the woods c) In his neighbor’s barn d) In a zoo

  4. What is the name of the fawn in the story? a) Bambi b) Flag c) Rudolph d) Thumper

  5. Why does Jody decide to take care of the fawn? a) Because he wants a pet b) Because his father tells him to c) Because the fawn’s mother is dead d) Because he doesn’t like animals

II. Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Describe Jody’s feelings towards the fawn when he first finds it.

  2. What challenges does Jody face in taking care of the fawn, and how does he overcome them?

III. Fill in the Blanks (1 mark each)

  1. In the story, Jody’s father’s name is _________________.

  2. Jody names the fawn “_______________.”

  3. The story is set in a rural area in the state of _________________.

IV. Essay Question (5 marks)

  1. Write a short essay (100-150 words) on the theme of responsibility as it is portrayed in the story “This is Jody’s Fawn.” Explain how Jody’s actions reflect a sense of responsibility.

V. Vocabulary (1 mark each)

  1. Identify and explain the meaning of the following words from the story: a) Enchanted b) Incredulously

VI. True or False (1 mark each)

  1. True/False: Jody finds the fawn in the forest.
  2. True/False: Jody’s father is initially against the idea of taking care of the fawn.

VII. Character Matching (2 marks)

Match the character to their description: Characters: A. Jody B. Penny C. Fodder-wing


  1. The protagonist of the story who finds the fawn.
  2. Jody’s father, a farmer.
  3. The man who teaches Jody about fawns and their care.

VIII. Critical Thinking (2 marks)

  1. Do you think Jody’s decision to take care of the fawn was the right one? Why or why not? Explain your answer.

IX. Short Summary (3 marks)

  1. Write a brief summary of the story “This is Jody’s Fawn” in 30-40 words.

Total Marks: _______/30

Teacher’s Remarks:

You can customize this worksheet further to meet your specific classroom needs. Please ensure that the formatting, spacing, and instructions adhere to the CBSE guidelines.

Chapter 7: A Visit to CambridgeRead More➔

Worksheet Title: Exploring Cambridge




Instructions: Read the passage about Cambridge University and answer the following questions.

Passage: [Include the passage about Cambridge University]


  1. What is the main subject of the passage?

  2. Why is Cambridge University considered historically significant?

  3. List three landmarks mentioned in the passage.

  4. Define the term “educational institution” in your own words.

  5. Identify and explain one interesting fact about Cambridge University.


Match the following words with their meanings:

  1. Landmark a) A place or object that is easily recognized and is often used as a guide to finding something else.

  2. Alumni b) Graduates or former students of a school, college, or university.

  3. Prestigious c) Having a high reputation or honor.

  4. Scholar d) A person who is highly educated or has a great knowledge in a particular subject.

Extension Activity (Optional):

Research and write a short paragraph about one famous alumni of Cambridge University and their contributions to society.

Please make sure to include the actual passage from Chapter 7: “A Visit to Cambridge” in the worksheet. Additionally, you can adjust the difficulty level of the questions based on the proficiency of the students.

Chapter 8: A Short Monsoon DiaryRead More➔

Worksheet: A Short Monsoon Diary

Name: ______________________ Class: _________ Date: ______________


  1. Read the questions carefully.
  2. Refer to Chapter 8 – A Short Monsoon Diary to answer the questions.
  3. Write your answers in the space provided.

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the main theme of the chapter “A Short Monsoon Diary”? a) Summer vacations b) Monsoon season c) Winter holidays d) Spring festivities

  2. Where does the author experience the monsoon season? a) In the city b) In the countryside c) In the mountains d) In the desert

  3. What does the author compare the rain to in the chapter? a) Tears of joy b) Silver coins c) Crystal beads d) Shimmering stars

Section B: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Explain why the monsoon season is significant in India.

  2. Describe one specific experience or event that the author shares in the chapter.

Section C: Long Answer Question (4 marks)

  1. Imagine you are the author of “A Short Monsoon Diary.” Write a diary entry describing your most memorable day during the monsoon season. Include details about the weather, your emotions, and any special events or encounters.

Section D: Vocabulary (1 mark each)

Match the following words with their meanings:

  1. Petrichor a) A pleasant, distinctive smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.

  2. Torrential b) Overflowing or overwhelming, often used to describe heavy rainfall.

  3. Verdant c) The fresh, green color of grass and plants.

Section E: Reflection (3 marks)

  1. Why do you think the author chose to write a diary about the monsoon season? How does this style of writing help you connect with the experiences described?

Please note that this is a sample worksheet and can be modified to suit specific requirements or preferences. Additionally, ensure that the content aligns with the curriculum and guidelines provided by CBSE.

Poem: On the Grasshopper and CricketRead More➔

Name: ___________________________ Class: _______ Date: _______

Exploring Nature’s Music: On the Grasshopper and Cricket

A. Understanding the Poem: Read the following lines from the poem and answer the questions:

  1. “The poetry of earth is never dead:”
    a) What does the poet mean by “the poetry of earth”?
    b) What is the significance of the word “never” in this line?

  2. “The voice will run from hedge to hedge”
    a) What does the phrase “voice will run” suggest about the grasshopper and cricket?
    b) Why do you think the poet uses the term “hedge”?

  3. “On a lone winter evening, when the frost
    Has wrought a silence, from the stove there shrills”
    a) Describe the setting the poet is referring to in these lines.
    b) What is the significance of the word “silence” in this context?

B. Comparing Grasshoppers and Crickets: Look at the pictures of a grasshopper and a cricket below. Write down three differences between them.

[Insert pictures of a grasshopper and a cricket]
  1. Grasshopper: a) ____________________________________________ b) ____________________________________________ c) ____________________________________________

  2. Cricket: a) ____________________________________________ b) ____________________________________________ c) ____________________________________________

C. Creating Your Own Poem: Imagine you are in a garden on a warm summer day. Write a short poem (at least 4 lines) inspired by the sights and sounds around you. Use descriptive language and figurative devices.

D. Presentation: Choose one student to present their poem to the class. Pay attention to their delivery and provide constructive feedback.

E. Reflection: What did you learn about the importance of nature from this lesson? Write a short paragraph.

Please remember to include the visuals (pictures of a grasshopper and cricket) in the designated areas. You can format and customize this worksheet further as per your preferences.

It So Happened

Chapter 1: How the Camel Got His HumpRead More➔

Worksheet: How the Camel Got His Hump

Name: ____________________________________ Class: ___________ Date: __________


  1. Read the passage carefully.
  2. Answer the questions based on the passage.
  3. Write your answers in the space provided.


Once upon a time, there was a lazy camel named Humphrey. He lived in a lush green oasis with his friends – the hardworking horse, the playful dog, and the wise man. Humphrey loved to lie around all day and do nothing. He would watch the others work tirelessly and laugh at their efforts.

One hot day, the man had had enough of Humphrey’s laziness. He asked the horse, “Would you like a day off, my friend?” The horse eagerly nodded. The man turned to the dog, “And you, would you like a break too?” The dog wagged his tail in excitement. Finally, he looked at Humphrey and said, “You, my dear camel, shall work for all three of you today!”


  1. What was the name of the lazy camel in the story?

    Answer: ____________________________________________________________

  2. Who were Humphrey’s friends?

    Answer: ____________________________________________________________

  3. What did Humphrey love to do?

    Answer: ____________________________________________________________

  4. How did the horse and the dog feel when the man asked if they wanted a day off?

    Answer: ____________________________________________________________

  5. What did the man tell Humphrey to do?

    Answer: ____________________________________________________________

  6. What lesson do you think Humphrey learned from this experience? Explain.

    Answer: ____________________________________________________________

  7. If you were the man, how would you deal with Humphrey’s laziness?

    Answer: ____________________________________________________________


Encourage students to express their thoughts and ideas clearly. This worksheet is designed to assess comprehension, critical thinking, and the ability to draw lessons from the story.

Remember to provide feedback on their responses to support their learning process.

Chapter 2: Children at WorkRead More➔

Class 8 English CBSE Worksheet

Chapter 2: Children at Work

Instructions: Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the text and the class discussion.

1. Define child labor.

2. List three different forms of child labor mentioned in the text.

3. Explain why child labor is considered a social issue.

4. What are some of the consequences of child labor on children’s lives?

5. Discuss one possible solution to address the issue of child labor.

6. Group Activity:

  • In your group, focus on one aspect of child labor (causes, consequences, or solutions).
  • Create a visual representation (mind map, diagram, etc.) on the chart paper provided.
  • Be prepared to present your findings to the class.

7. Class Discussion:

  • Share your thoughts on why it is important to raise awareness about child labor.
  • What are some actions individuals and communities can take to combat child labor?

8. Essay (Optional):

  • Write a short essay (150-200 words) on the importance of eradicating child labor from society.

Please adjust and format the worksheet as per your preferences and the specific needs of your classroom. You can add more questions, change the formatting, or include specific instructions as required.

Chapter 3: The Selfish GiantRead More➔

Class: 8 | Subject: English | Chapter: The Selfish Giant

Name:_____________________________ Date:__________________


  1. Read the following questions carefully.
  2. Refer to the story “The Selfish Giant” to answer the questions.
  3. Write your answers in the space provided.

1. Who is the main character of the story?

Answer: _______________________________

2. What kind of person was the Giant at the beginning of the story?

Answer: _______________________________

3. How did the Giant’s garden change after he put up the notice?

Answer: _______________________________

4. Describe the change in the Giant’s attitude towards the children.

Answer: _______________________________

5. What happened to the Giant’s garden during his long absence?

Answer: _______________________________

6. Explain how the Giant’s heart changed over time.

Answer: _______________________________

7. What is the message or lesson that the story conveys?

Answer: _______________________________

8. Give an example from your own life when you showed kindness to someone.

Answer: _______________________________

9. How can you apply the lesson from this story in your own life?

Answer: _______________________________

10. Draw a picture representing your favorite scene from the story.

(Draw your picture in the space provided)

Remember, this is just a sample template. You can customize it further based on your specific teaching style and the needs of your students. Make sure to include appropriate margins, font sizes, and spacing to ensure readability.

Chapter 4: The Treasure WithinRead More➔

Worksheet: Chapter 4 – The Treasure Within

Name: ______________________ Class: _______ Date: _______

Instructions: Answer the following questions based on your understanding of Chapter 4.

I. Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. What is the main theme of Chapter 4? a) Adventure b) Friendship c) Discovery d) Mystery

  2. Who is the protagonist of the story? a) Raj b) Rani c) Rohan d) Rahul

  3. What is the title of the chapter? a) The Hidden Map b) The Forgotten Key c) The Treasure Within d) The Mysterious Chest

II. Vocabulary (1 mark each)

Match the words from Column A with their meanings in Column B:

Column AColumn B
  1. Expedition | A. A hidden or secret thing
  2. Concealed | B. A journey for a specific purpose
  3. Artifact | C. Kept secret or hidden
  4. Treasure | D. An object made by humans, typically for historical interest

III. Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. Describe one important event that occurs in Chapter 4.

  2. How do the characters in the story work together to solve a problem?

IV. Creative Writing (4 marks)

Imagine you have discovered a hidden treasure. Write a short paragraph describing the treasure and how you found it. Include details about its appearance and any special features.

Please remember to adapt this worksheet as per your specific teaching style and the needs of your students. You can add more questions or modify existing ones to suit your objectives for this lesson.

Chapter 5: Princess SeptemberRead More➔

Worksheet: Princess September – Character Analysis

Name:_____________________________ Class:_____________ Date:_____________


Read the story “Princess September” and answer the following questions based on your understanding of the characters.

1. Princess September:

  • Describe Princess September’s personality traits at the beginning of the story.
  • How does her character change throughout the story? Provide examples.

2. The King:

  • What kind of father is the King to Princess September? Provide evidence from the story.
  • How does he feel about Princess September’s peculiar habits? Explain.

3. The Twelve Princesses:

  • List the names of Princess September’s twelve sisters.
  • How do the sisters react to Princess September’s behavior? Give an example from the story.

4. The Magical Garden:

  • Describe the magical garden that Princess September discovers.
  • How does the garden contribute to Princess September’s character development?

5. The Fairy’s Advice:

  • What advice does the fairy give to Princess September?
  • How does this advice impact Princess September’s actions later in the story?

6. Character Connections:

  • Choose two characters from the story and describe how they interact with each other. What is their relationship like?

7. Lessons Learned:

  • What moral lesson do you think the author wants readers to take away from “Princess September”? Explain your answer.

8. Reflection:

  • How can you relate Princess September’s journey to your own life? Is there a lesson you can learn from her experiences?

Bonus Question (Optional):

  • If you were in Princess September’s shoes, how would you have handled the situation differently? Explain your reasoning.

Note: You may refer to the story while answering the questions. Provide specific examples and quotes to support your answers.

This worksheet is designed to encourage critical thinking and comprehension skills based on the characters in the story “Princess September”. Feel free to adjust or add any additional questions based on the specific objectives you want to emphasize in your class.

Chapter 6: The FightRead More➔

Worksheet: Exploring Conflict Resolution in “The Fight”

Name: __________________________________ Date: ______________

Instructions: Read the story “The Fight” and answer the following questions.

  1. Identify the Types of Conflicts: a) What is the main conflict in the story?

    b) Can you identify any other conflicts in the story? If so, describe them.

  2. Causes and Consequences: a) What are the causes of the main conflict in the story?

    b) What are the consequences of the main conflict for the characters involved?

  3. Conflict Resolution Strategies: Match the types of conflicts with the appropriate conflict resolution strategies.

    Types of Conflicts:

    1. Internal Conflict
    2. Interpersonal Conflict
    3. External Conflict

    Conflict Resolution Strategies: A. Communication B. Compromise C. Self-reflection

    Match the Correct Strategy:

    1. Main Character struggles with personal beliefs and decisions. _____
    2. Two friends have a disagreement and want to find a middle ground. _____
    3. Characters face challenges from outside forces (e.g., nature, society). _____
  4. Real-Life Conflict Scenarios: Read the following scenarios and choose the most appropriate conflict resolution strategy for each situation.

    a) Two classmates can’t agree on how to complete a group project.

    • Communication
    • Compromise
    • Self-reflection

    b) You and your sibling both want to use the computer at the same time.

    • Communication
    • Compromise
    • Self-reflection

    c) You feel torn between two extracurricular activities that you enjoy.

    • Communication
    • Compromise
    • Self-reflection

    d) You and your friend want to play different games during recess.

    • Communication
    • Compromise
    • Self-reflection

Extension: Write about a conflict you have experienced and suggest a possible strategy for resolving it.




Remember to review your answers before submitting the worksheet.

Note: This worksheet is designed to assess your understanding of conflict resolution strategies based on the story “The Fight”. Take your time and think about each question before answering.

Chapter 7: JalebisRead More➔

Worksheet: Exploring the Sweet World of Jalebis

Name:_________________ Class:____________ Date:____________


  • Read the passage about jalebis carefully.
  • Answer the questions based on the passage.


Jalebis are a popular sweet in Indian cuisine. These delicious treats are made by deep-frying a fermented batter of wheat flour, which is then soaked in a sugary syrup. The result is a crispy, golden-brown dessert that is loved by people of all ages.


  1. What are jalebis made from?

    Answer: ______________________________________________________________

  2. How are jalebis prepared?

    Answer: ______________________________________________________________

  3. Describe the texture of a jalebi.

    Answer: ______________________________________________________________

  4. Why are jalebis loved by people?

    Answer: ______________________________________________________________

  5. Name one ingredient used in making jalebis.

    Answer: ______________________________________________________________

  6. What does the term “fermented batter” mean?

    Answer: ______________________________________________________________

  7. Write a sentence using the word “crispy”.

    Answer: ______________________________________________________________

  8. Explain in your own words why jalebis are considered a popular sweet in Indian cuisine.

    Answer: ______________________________________________________________

Extension Activity:

Write a short paragraph about your favorite traditional food or sweet dish. Include details about its taste, ingredients, and any special memories associated with it.

Note: This worksheet is designed to test your understanding of the passage about jalebis. Make sure to read the passage carefully before attempting the questions.

Chapter 8: Ancient Education System of IndiaRead More➔

Worksheet: Ancient Education System of India

Name: ______________________________

Class: 8 Date: _________________


  1. Read the questions carefully.
  2. Refer to your textbook or class notes to answer the questions.
  3. Write your answers in the spaces provided.


  1. Define the term “ancient education system” in your own words.

    Answer: ___________________________________________________________

  2. List three key features of the ancient education system of India.

    a. __________________________ b. __________________________ c. __________________________

  3. Who were the primary educators in the ancient Indian education system?

    Answer: ___________________________________________________________

  4. Explain the significance of Gurukuls in the ancient education system.

    Answer: ___________________________________________________________

  5. How did the ancient education system contribute to the overall development of individuals and society?

    Answer: ___________________________________________________________

  6. Compare and contrast the ancient education system with the modern education system. List at least three differences.

    a. __________________________ b. __________________________ c. __________________________

  7. Do you think any aspects of the ancient education system are relevant in today’s society? Explain your answer.

    Answer: ___________________________________________________________

  8. Imagine you are a student in an ancient Gurukul. Describe a typical day in your life, including what subjects you would study and activities you would engage in.

    Answer: ___________________________________________________________

Please adapt and customize this worksheet as needed for your specific class and requirements. You can copy and paste this into a document editor and modify it further if necessary.